Teaching Medical English Terminology through Images and Texts: A Social Semiotic Evaluation of Professional English in Use Medicine textbook

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Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou


This dissertation attempts to investigate the teaching of medical English vocabulary through using the Professional English in Use Medicine textbook in the Department of English at MouloudMammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou. First, we have made a thorough analysis of thirteen images and the linguistic texts that accompany them in order to find out whether the linguistic texts and imagesare related toeach other and do complete the meaning of each other. We also conducted an interview with three teachers teaching in the Department of English atMouloudMammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou, who have already taught the module of ESP using this textbook. The teaching experience of the participant teachers helped us to find out whether the combination of the linguistic texts and the images in Professional English in Use Medicinetextbook facilitates the task of teaching Medical English Terminology, and to know whether the three teachers explore both linguistic texts and images during the presentation of their lessons. For the sake of collecting rich data about the research issue, we have based our research on the Social Semiotic Multimodal Approach in relation to ESP teaching. The results obtained show that there is a relationship between the meaning of the linguistic texts and that of the images, and each mode completes the meaning of the other mode. In addition, EFL teachers explore both the linguistic and the visual elements while presenting their lessons. Finally, the multimodal combination used in Professional English in Use Medicine textbook facilitates the task of teaching medical English terminology.





Applied Linguistics and Social Semiotics