English Language Teaching in Algeria: An Analysis of the Contents and Implementation of the New Syllabi in the Middle and Secondary Education

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Université Mouloud Mammeri


Our thesis has surveyed some significant issues of the Algerian educational policy. There are some observations that can be made about the predominent features of the syllabi and terxtbooks launched to support the educational reform. We started our investigation by scrutinizing the construction of learners’ identity through the construction of the intercultural communicative competency, and the ethical competency considered as a major goal of education (Dewey). The results confirmed our hypothesis which claimed that the orientation of the syllabi and textbooks is in line mainly with the didactic perspective. Our basic premise has been proved, therefore, to be right inasmuch as the didactic and the behavioural aspects predominate in the textbooks, this, to the detriment of the critical construction of personal and social competencies. The educational choice made by the designers defeats the constructivist claims made by the syllabi designers on the one hand, and the constructivist philosophy which asserts that a learner should contribute to the construction of his own personal and social competencies by adopting reflective and affective attitudes towards his learning


176+[5]f.; illl. ; 30cm. (+CD Rom)


English Language, Teaching, Algeria


Science du langage