Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou


Vice rectorat chargé des relations extérieurs et des manifestations scientifiques

8th Journées de Recherches sur les Productions Animales (Animal Production Research Days)

June 18, 2023 | Manifestations scientifiques, Recueils M-S

8th JRPA-UMMTO 2023
"8th Journées de Recherches sur les Productions Animales" (Animal Production Research Days)
Tizi-Ouzou December 13&14, 2023
Organized by :
Faculty of Biological Sciences and Agronomic Sciences
Honorary President: Pr BOUDA Ahmed
Rector of the University
Guest of honor: Pr BERCHICHE Mokrane
Vice-Chairman : Dr METAHRI Med Said
Dean of the Faculty

Chairman of the 8th JRPA-UMMTO 2023:
Pr KADI Si Ammar


Tizi-Ouzou's Mouloud MAMMERI University is organizing its 8th Journées de Recherches sur les Productions Animales (JRPA). This
edition will take place online. These scientific days will bring together researchers, agricultural service executives and
production unit managers, as well as students. The aim of this scientific event is to bring together periodically
all those interested in animal production to review research results and current issues in this field.
The Animal Production team, affiliated to the LABAB Laboratory, has been organizing JRPAs since 1992 under the responsibility of Prof. Berchiche
Mokrane. This eighth edition will be devoted to a collection of research results on feeding and valorization of alternative
resources; innovation and performance of production systems; and valorization of livestock products.


Papers (oral presentations and posters) will be divided into the following sections: feeding and valorization of alternative resources; innovation and performance of production systems; and valorization of livestock products.


Paper proposals must be submitted to the conference secretariat by November 15, 2023. Paper proposals will be submitted to the
scientific committee, which will evaluate them. Papers must be written according to the Journées Template. Accepted papers will be published in the Journées de Recherches proceedings. Texts should be sent to the Journées de Recherches secretariat by e-mail only, to the following address:
Posters should be prepared and sent in Power Point format as a single poster.


All correspondence concerning the 8th Journées de Recherches
sur les Productions Animales (8th JRPA-UMMTO 2023), TiziOuzou December 13 and 14, 2023 should be addressed to
Secrétariat des 8èmes JRPA-UMMTO 2023
Faculté des Sciences Biologiques et Sciences Agronomiques,
Université Mouloud MAMMERI de Tizi-Ouzou
FAX : 026-21-32-38 / 026-21-13-03
E. mail: jrpa2023@ummto.d

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