Laboratory for Advanced Technologies in Electrical Engineering (LATAGE)
LATAGE Laboratory
National communications
- Chalah Samira, Yassa Nacera, Salah Haddad " Analyse de la propagation harmonique dans le réseau électrique ", International Symposium on Hydrocarbons and Chemistry ISHC5, May the 23rd to 25th, 2010, Sidi Fredj, Algiers, Algeria.
- Yassa Nacera, Chalah Samira, Salah Haddad " Effet des filtres sur la propagation harmonique dans un réseau électrique ", International Symposium on Hydrocarbons and Chemistry ISHC5, May the 23rd to 25th, 2010, Sidi Fredj, Algiers, Algeria.
- M. Bouheraoua, N. Benamrouche " Transient thermal model of an induction motor using simplified lumped thermal network ", 10th international conference on electrical engineering, Electronics and Automatic, 2-3 November 2010, Bejaia, Algeria
- 2. M. Zaouia , N. Benamrouche, Khaldi, Belassel " Elaboration d'un modèle thermique simplifié à paramètres localisés d'un moteur asynchrone à cage " 6th international conference on electrical engineering, 11-13 october 2010.
- N. N. AIT RAMDANE, R. MANSOURI, S.HADDAD and M. BETTAYEB, " Commande robuste H∞ des puissances actives et réactive statoriques d'une MADA dans une chaine de conversion éolienne ", The 7th International Electrical Engineering Conference CEE'2012,October, 8-10th, Batna, Algeria
- 4. M. Bouheraoua, N. Benamrouche " Transient thermal model of an induction motor using simplified lumped thermal network ", 10 th international conference on electrical engineering, Electronics and Automatic, 2-3 November 2010, Bejaia, Algeria.
- 5. M. Zaouia , N. Benamrouche, Khaldi, Belassel " Elaboration d'un modèle thermique simplifié à paramètres localisés d'un moteur asynchrone à cage ", 6th international conference on electrical engineering, 11-13 october 2010, Batna, Algérie
- 4. M. Bouheraoua, N. Benamrouche, " Elaboration d'un modèle thermique simplifié d'un moteur asynchrone à cage " , 6th international conference on electrical engineering, 11-13 october 2010, Batna, Algérie.
- 4. M. T. Belassel , N. Benamrouche, M. Bouheraoua " Calculation of overvoltages in the asynchronous motors supplied motors supplied with PWM frequency converter " 10 th international conference on electrical engineering, Electronics and Automatic, 2-3 November 2010, Bejaia, Algeria.
- N. Benyahia, N.Benamrouche, M. Bouheraouaa, T Rekioua, "Design and caracterization of super capacitors bank for stand alone renewable energy" International Conference on Maintenance, Management, Logistics and Electrical Engineering, Oran November 19-21, 2012.
- K. Hellali ,M .Zaouia, N. Benamrouche, N. Benyahia " Etude de l'influence des conditions météorologiques sur les performances des modules photovoltaïques " International Conference on Maintenance, Management, Logistics and Electrical Engineering, Oran November 19-21, 2012.
- F. Bouaraba, M S. Belkaid and N. Benkhelfa Characteristics of InGaN/GaN quantum well LEDs for lighting 10th National Congress of Physics and its Applications ` CNPA 2012 ' Mostaganem, November 20 -22, 2012.
- L. Chibane, M.S. Belkaid, O. Boudia. Potential of sol-gel method for the elaboration of lamellar semiconductor (MoS2) for photovoltaic application. IVème Sèminaire National Matériaux, Procédés et environnement, Boumerdès 15 et 16 Mai 2012. ISBN : 978-9931-9090-0-2.
- K. Medjnoun, M.S. Belkaid, D. Hatem, O. Boudia, L. Chibane Elaboration et études des couches minces de SnO2 obtenus par Sol-Gel : Application 318 photovoltaïque The International Conference on Electronics & Oil ICEO'11, Marsh 01-02, 2011, Ouargla.
- M. Rachek, S. Cherif, and H. Kadi, "Strong coupled formulation of the magnetic vector potential and total current density testing with skin and proximity effects". The International Conference on Electronics & Oil ICEO'13, Marsh 05-06, 2013, Ouargla, Algeria.
- Nadia Radja, M'hemed Rachek, Soraya Nait Larbi, "Diagnostics of electrical machines through the slot insulation-multiconductors system by analysis of the voltage distribution", Second International Conference on Maintenance, Management and Logistics and Electrotechnics, November 19-21, 2012, ENSET, Oran, Algeria.
- Nadia Radja, M'hemed Rachek, Soraya Ait Larbi, "Insulation diagnosis of electrical machines through the analysis os the voltage distribution in the stator winding". 3 rd colloquium on inductics, Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi Ouzou, April 23-25, 2013.
- Salma Cherif and Rachek M'hemed, "Eddy current testing models with skin and proximity effects". 3rd colloquium on inductics, Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi Ouzou.
- R. Kachenoura, F. Lounas, S.Haddad, N. Benamrouche, "Calculation of instantaneous losses due to switching in an IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor). 2 nd International Conference on Energy and sustainable devolopment, February 19-20, 2013, Adrar, Algeria.
- M. Zaouia, N. Benamrouche, M. Rachek, M. Bouheraoua, "lectromagnetic-mechanical and thermal modelling of linear stepping motors. 3rd colloquium on inductics, Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi Ouzou
- Ferroudja Bitam-Megherbi, Lynda Sedkaoui, "Caractérisation des tôles magnétiques fer-silicium à grains orientés des transformateurs", Second International Conference on Maintenance, Management, Logistics and Electrotechnics (CIMGLE'2012), Oran, November 19-20, 2012.
- Lynda Sedkaoui, Ferroudja Bitam-Megherbi, "Détermination des pertes magnétiques des tôles fer-silicium à grains orientés", paper accepted for oral presentation at "The 2nd International Conference on Electronics and Oil: From Theory to Applications (ICEO'13), March 5-6, 2013 in Ouargla, Algeria.
- M. Imache, F. Bitam-Megherbi, M. Megherbi, H. Djoudi " Effet du viellissement thermique sur les caractéristiques des tôles magnétiques Fer-Silicium " International Conference on Electrotechnics, ICEL 2009, 0ran, 10-11 November 2009