Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Laboratory for Advanced Technologies in Electrical Engineering (LATAGE)

National communications

  1. Chalah Samira, Yassa Nacera, Salah Haddad " Analyse de la propagation harmonique dans le réseau électrique ", International Symposium on Hydrocarbons and Chemistry ISHC5, May the 23rd to 25th, 2010, Sidi Fredj, Algiers, Algeria.
  2. Yassa Nacera, Chalah Samira, Salah Haddad " Effet des filtres sur la propagation harmonique dans un réseau électrique ", International Symposium on Hydrocarbons and Chemistry ISHC5, May the 23rd to 25th, 2010, Sidi Fredj, Algiers, Algeria.
  3. M. Bouheraoua, N. Benamrouche " Transient thermal model of an induction motor using simplified lumped thermal network ", 10th international conference on electrical engineering, Electronics and Automatic, 2-3 November 2010, Bejaia, Algeria
  4. 2. M. Zaouia , N. Benamrouche, Khaldi, Belassel " Elaboration d'un modèle thermique simplifié à paramètres localisés d'un moteur asynchrone à cage " 6th international conference on electrical engineering, 11-13 october 2010.
  5. N. N. AIT RAMDANE, R. MANSOURI, S.HADDAD and M. BETTAYEB, " Commande robuste H∞ des puissances actives et réactive statoriques d'une MADA dans une chaine de conversion éolienne ", The 7th International Electrical Engineering Conference CEE'2012,October, 8-10th, Batna, Algeria
  6. 4. M. Bouheraoua, N. Benamrouche " Transient thermal model of an induction motor using simplified lumped thermal network ", 10 th international conference on electrical engineering, Electronics and Automatic, 2-3 November 2010, Bejaia, Algeria.
  7. 5. M. Zaouia , N. Benamrouche, Khaldi, Belassel " Elaboration d'un modèle thermique simplifié à paramètres localisés d'un moteur asynchrone à cage ", 6th international conference on electrical engineering, 11-13 october 2010, Batna, Algérie
  8. 4. M. Bouheraoua, N. Benamrouche, " Elaboration d'un modèle thermique simplifié d'un moteur asynchrone à cage " , 6th international conference on electrical engineering, 11-13 october 2010, Batna, Algérie.
  9. 4. M. T. Belassel , N. Benamrouche, M. Bouheraoua " Calculation of overvoltages in the asynchronous motors supplied motors supplied with PWM frequency converter " 10 th international conference on electrical engineering, Electronics and Automatic, 2-3 November 2010, Bejaia, Algeria.
  10. N. Benyahia, N.Benamrouche, M. Bouheraouaa, T Rekioua, "Design and caracterization of super capacitors bank for stand alone renewable energy" International Conference on Maintenance, Management, Logistics and Electrical Engineering, Oran November 19-21, 2012.
  11. K. Hellali ,M .Zaouia, N. Benamrouche, N. Benyahia " Etude de l'influence des conditions météorologiques sur les performances des modules photovoltaïques " International Conference on Maintenance, Management, Logistics and Electrical Engineering, Oran November 19-21, 2012.
  12. F. Bouaraba, M S. Belkaid and N. Benkhelfa Characteristics of InGaN/GaN quantum well LEDs for lighting 10th National Congress of Physics and its Applications ` CNPA 2012 ' Mostaganem, November 20 -22, 2012.
  13. L. Chibane, M.S. Belkaid, O. Boudia. Potential of sol-gel method for the elaboration of lamellar semiconductor (MoS2) for photovoltaic application. IVème Sèminaire National Matériaux, Procédés et environnement, Boumerdès 15 et 16 Mai 2012. ISBN : 978-9931-9090-0-2.
  14. K. Medjnoun, M.S. Belkaid, D. Hatem, O. Boudia, L. Chibane Elaboration et études des couches minces de SnO2 obtenus par Sol-Gel : Application 318 photovoltaïque The International Conference on Electronics & Oil ICEO'11, Marsh 01-02, 2011, Ouargla.
  15. M. Rachek, S. Cherif, and H. Kadi, "Strong coupled formulation of the magnetic vector potential and total current density testing with skin and proximity effects". The International Conference on Electronics & Oil ICEO'13, Marsh 05-06, 2013, Ouargla, Algeria.
  16. Nadia Radja, M'hemed Rachek, Soraya Nait Larbi, "Diagnostics of electrical machines through the slot insulation-multiconductors system by analysis of the voltage distribution", Second International Conference on Maintenance, Management and Logistics and Electrotechnics, November 19-21, 2012, ENSET, Oran, Algeria.
  17. Nadia Radja, M'hemed Rachek, Soraya Ait Larbi, "Insulation diagnosis of electrical machines through the analysis os the voltage distribution in the stator winding". 3 rd colloquium on inductics, Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi Ouzou, April 23-25, 2013.
  18. Salma Cherif and Rachek M'hemed, "Eddy current testing models with skin and proximity effects". 3rd colloquium on inductics, Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi Ouzou.
  19. R. Kachenoura, F. Lounas, S.Haddad, N. Benamrouche, "Calculation of instantaneous losses due to switching in an IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor). 2 nd International Conference on Energy and sustainable devolopment, February 19-20, 2013, Adrar, Algeria.
  20. M. Zaouia, N. Benamrouche, M. Rachek, M. Bouheraoua, "lectromagnetic-mechanical and thermal modelling of linear stepping motors. 3rd colloquium on inductics, Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi Ouzou
  21. Ferroudja Bitam-Megherbi, Lynda Sedkaoui, "Caractérisation des tôles magnétiques fer-silicium à grains orientés des transformateurs", Second International Conference on Maintenance, Management, Logistics and Electrotechnics (CIMGLE'2012), Oran, November 19-20, 2012.
  22. Lynda Sedkaoui, Ferroudja Bitam-Megherbi, "Détermination des pertes magnétiques des tôles fer-silicium à grains orientés", paper accepted for oral presentation at "The 2nd International Conference on Electronics and Oil: From Theory to Applications (ICEO'13), March 5-6, 2013 in Ouargla, Algeria.
  23. M. Imache, F. Bitam-Megherbi, M. Megherbi, H. Djoudi " Effet du viellissement thermique sur les caractéristiques des tôles magnétiques Fer-Silicium " International Conference on Electrotechnics, ICEL 2009, 0ran, 10-11 November 2009