Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Laboratory for Analysis & Modeling of Random Phenomena (LAMPA)

International Publications

  1.  S Makhlouf, M Laghrouche, AEH Adane, "Hot Wire Sensor-Based Data Acquisition System for Controlling the Laminar Boundary Layer Near Plant Leaves Within a Greenhouse. Hot Wire Sensor-Based Data Acquisition System for Controlling the Laminar Boundary Layer Near Plant Leaves Within a Greenhouse. IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (8), 2650-2657.2016
  2.  M Lazri, S Ameur A satellite rainfall retrieval technique over northern Algeria based on the probability of rainfall intensities classification from MSG-SEVIRI " Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 147, 106-120. 2016
  3.  M Lazri, S Ameur Using cloud water path and cloud top temperature for estimating convective and stratiform rainfall from SEVIRI daytime data Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9 (11), 577.2016
  4.  S Hameg, M Lazri, S Ameur "Using naive Bayes classifier for classification of convective rainfall intensities based on spectral characteristics retrieved from SEVIRI" Journal of Earth System Science 125 (5), 945-955.2016
  5.  Mohamed Amine Guerroudji, Zohra Ameur, "A new approach for the detection of mammary calcifications by using the white Top-Hat transform and thresholding of Otsu", Optik, Vol 127, Iss3, Pgs 1251-1259, February 2016,
  1.  M Lazri, S Ameur, JM Brucker, M Lahdir, M Sehad ''Analysis of drought areas in Northern Algeria using Markov chains'' Journal of Earth System Science 124 (1), 61-70. 2015.
  2. 2) Y Attaf, M Lahdir, AO Boudraa, M Laghrouche, Z Ameur." An AM-FM Based Image Segmentation: Detection of Clouds in MSG Images of Algeria".International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS) 10 (7), 789-797, 2015
  1.  M Lazri, S Ameur, JM Brucker, F Ouallouche "Convective rainfall estimation from MSG/SEVIRI data based on different development phase duration of convective systems (growth phase and decay phase) Atmospheric Research 147, 38-50.2014
  2.  M Lazri, S Ameur, JM Brucker Analysis of the time trends of precipitation over mediterranean region International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business 6 ...2014
  3.  Y Mohia, S Ameur, M Lazri, JM Brucker Rainfall intensity classification method based on textural and spectral parameters from MSG-SEVIRI Computers and Software, 1302International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business 6 ...2014
  4.  M Sehad, M Lazri, S Ameur, JM Brucker, F Ouallouche Image Segmentation Method for Identifying Convective and Stratiform Rain using MSG SEVIRI Data International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing 6 (7), 28.2014
  5.  M Sehad, S Ameur, JM Brucker, M Lazri, "MSG SEVIRI image segmentation using a method based on spectral, temporal and textural features".International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS) 9 (4), 618-627.
  6.  F Ouallouche, M Lazri, S Ameur, JM Brucker, M Sehad, "Infrared and Microwave Image Fusion for Rainfall Detection over Northern Algeria. Infrared and Microwave Image Fusion for Rainfall Detection over Northern Algeria." International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing 6 (6), 11.2014
  7.  ALOUACHE Djamal, AMEUR Zohra, KACHI Djemaa, "Motion Estimation for Omnidirectional Images using the Adapted Block-Matching", IJIGSP, vol.6, no.9, pp.20-26,