Herman Melville’s Billy budd (1924) and Tahar Djaout’s Le dernier été de la raison (1999) : A Comparative Study.

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Université Mouloud Mammeri Tizi Ouzou


There exist different themes to be studied in Literature. This research paper has examined the presence of parallels between Herman Melville's Billy Budd (1924) and Tahar Djaout's Le dernier été de la raison (1999). In our dissertation, we have studied the affinities that exist between characters: Billy Budd and Boualem Yekker, Captain Claggart and Les Frères Vigilant, Captain Vere and Ali Elbouliga, the Dansker and a female character in Djaout's novel, Soraya, while its absence in Budd's novella. Concerning themes, we have analyzed violence, war, the abuse of power and the imposed authority in both works, and also parallels in the setting. Finally, we have showed the difference of time, religion, place, language and traditions. In order to achieve our goal, we have relied on Z.Wang's theory of affinity introduced in his Degrees of affinity: Studies in Comparative Literature and Translation (1985). We have also analyzed the two works relying on the theory mentioned above; we have reached the conclusion that there was no influence and direct contact between the two works.


30cm ; 57p.

