Power and Ideology in Teachers' Language Use in the Classroom: The Case Study of EFL Teachers in the Department of English at Mouloud Mammeri University

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Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou


The present study is concerned with the notion of power and ideology in teachers’ classroom discourse. It attempts to investigate whether teachers’ language use at the department of English at Mouloud Mammeri University reveal power relationships, and how their use of language reflect ideological beliefs. The study adopted Norman Fairclough’s (2001) approach to critical discourse analysis, mainly the concept of textual analysis, as an analytical framework. To carry out the research, classroom observations were conducted with five teachers. Questionnaires were also distributed to 90 third year students. The two data collection tools allowed us to gather the corpus that consists of qualitative as well as quantitative data. Hence, study adopted the mixed method approach where the qualitative data is analysed through qualitative content analysis, and the quantitative data is analysed using the rule of three. The results show that the language used by teachers in their classrooms reflects ideological beliefs; moreover, teachers’ use of language in some occasions reveals the exercise of power on students while interacting linguistically.




Power, Ideology, Teachers’ Classroom Discourse, Critical Discourse Analysis, Textual Analysis.


Didactiques des Langues Étrangères