جامعة مولود معمري في تيزي وزو

مؤتمر: التحديات والفرص التقنية في الذكاء الاصطناعي القابل للتفسير: مسح

11 Juil 2023 | Manifestations scientifiques

Title: Technical Challenges and Opportunities in Explainable Artificial Intelligence: A Survey

Abstract: years have increased the complexity of models far beyond the bounds of human intelligibility. For AI to yield the best of expectations across its many application fields, the barrier of explainability has to be addressed. Paradigms underlying this problem constitute the eXplainable AI (XAI) field, which is deemed to play a key role to further adopt AI. With XAI being as relevant as ever, this work aims to provide an overview of the field through summarizing previous efforts, gathered through systematic literature search and analysis. This work has further contributed by formalizing the main technical obstacles the field is facing and highlighting how other works have contributed to either expose or attempt to refute these challenges. Our prospects have led to a clear outline of the field, where we hope our work to serve as reference material to stimulate further research.

Speaker: Willem van der Spek

Date: July 13th  – 15:30  (Algiers time)

Zoom Link: https://uva-live.zoom.us/j/84366729846

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