Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou


Vice rectorate in charge of external relations and scientific events

ESAGOV project presentation 

One of the key elements of recent higher education (HE) reforms around the world is university governance. Concept In recent years, governance has come to refer to the way in which universities, and HE in general, define objectives, implement them, manage institutions and monitor results. There is now a broad consensus in the MENA region that governance plays a decisive role in improving the quality of education.

The Algerian higher education system, which for a long time was highly centralized, has gradually begun to adapt to new requirements, particularly in terms of quality assurance, and to set up a framework conducive to greater university accountability.

ESAGOV aims to improve and reinforce the quality approach to governance in Algerian universities, based on the construction of their institutional project. The project aims to act at different levels, while building on the achievements of Algerian universities.

As is the case worldwide, Algerian universities are called upon to contribute more actively to the competitiveness of their country's economy, while continuing to fulfill their mission of producing knowledge for regional and national socio-economic growth and development. To achieve this, universities need to adopt a medium-term strategy that takes their environment into account, so as to enhance the employability of their students.

The aim of this project is to support universities in taking their governance one step further, by defining their institutional project. The project will implement a series of actions to set up a concerted working mechanism within each university, creating the conditions necessary for a collective definition of each university's strategy.

Within this framework, the specific objectives of the ESAGOV project are :

  • Strengthening the role of universities in defining their own missions, which is essential if we are to continue the process of empowerment through the definition of an institutional project specific to each university, resulting from a process of consultation between all those involved in university life and reflecting its particularities, specializations and areas of excellence;
  • Strengthening the strategic skills of theuniversity's managers and academic and administrative staff;
  • Strengthening the evaluation andquality approach within institutions, in particular by bringing together quality assurance and teacher training units.

Project duration: 3 years

Coordinator : UNIMED, Union of Mediterranean Universities, Italy

 Partners :

Mediterranean Universities Union

Ca' Foscari University Venice

University of Pavia

University of Rouen Normandie

University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne

Mohamed Lamine Debaghine University, Sétif 2

Université Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1

Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

University of Algiers 1, Benyoucef Benkhedda

University of Algiers 2 Abou El Kacem Saâd Allah

Djillali Liabès University, Sidi Bel-Abbès

Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran Mohamed-Boudiaf USTOMB

Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urban Planning

Abderrahmane Mira University, Bejaia

University August 20 1955-Skikda

Kasdi Merbah University Ouargla

University of El Oued

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - MESRS

Commission d'Implémentation d'un système d'Assurance Qualité dans les établissements d'Enseignement Supérieur - CIAQES (Commission for the implementation of a quality assurance system in higher education establishments)
