Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou



Tizi Ouzou or Thizi Wezzu, « the capital of Djurdjura » is an Algerian town located 30 km south of of the Mediterranean coast, and 100 km east of the capital Algiers. 

The city has had a history quite rich in events and characters – a region reputed to be fierce to any foreign incursion – When the country gained independence in 1962, it regained a major cultural role.

Tigzirt is a town in the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou, a coastal town in Kabylie in Algeria, located 40 km north of Tizi Ouzou, 120 km east of Algiers and 116 km east of the west of Béjaïa, It is also the name of a daïra, grouping together the municipalities of Tigzirt, Mizrana and Iflissen.

The name of the city Tigzirt means islet in Kabyle and it refers to the emblematic islet of the city. It shares the same root as the word Tagzirt, which means island.

The Djurdjura is a mountain range in northern Algeria, on the Mediterranean border, constituting the longest mountain range in Kabylia. Lenticular in shape, it extends over a length of nearly 110 km. It belongs to the Atlas chain.
The Djurdjura culminates at 2,308 meters at the top of Lalla Khedidja. The mountain passes connecting the valleys often exceed 1,000 m in altitude.
The site is also a biosphere reserve recognized by UNESCO since 19971.

Roads and transport

About the City

The Candle of Tizi Ouzou is a regional monument of Kabylia dedicated to the martyrs of the Algerian War, in the region of Tizi Ouzou. The monument represents a candle decorated with bas-reliefs sculpted by Bâaziz Hammache and representing the French colonial era (1830-1962). It was inaugurated by the Prime Minister on July 5, 2013.

Our Campuses

The Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou consists of six campuses on which nine faculties are distributed

Livret UMMTO et patrimoine de Tizi-Ouzou

Consultez la présentation de l’université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou ainsi que le patrimoine de notre wilaya à travers ce livret


 Formation: Club de Recherche d’Emploi « CRE « 

 Formation: Club de Recherche d’Emploi « CRE « 

L’Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou en collaboration avec l’Agence Nationale de l'Emploi (Awem ) Tizi-Ouzou ORGANISENT une formation :  Club de Recherche d’Emploi "CRE " Les techniques de recherche d’emploi, la rédaction d’un CV,  la lettre de motivation, le...

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