Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

University operations and organization

The University of Tizi-Ouzou comprises a rectorate, decision-making and teaching bodies, faculties and departments. It includes shared administrative and technical services.

The rectorate, which reports to the university rector, comprises:

  • A general secretariat responsible for the administrative and financial management of the structures under its authority.
  • A central library under the responsibility of a director in charge of operations and management.

Decision-making bodies:

  • Visit board of directors studies and proposes any measure likely to improve the university's operations and help it achieve its objectives.
  • Visit board of directors to follow up on urgent actions to be implemented and new practices to be adopted.
  • Visit scientific council proposes guidelines for the university's research and scientific and technical documentation policies, and gives its opinion on any other pedagogical or scientific issue submitted to it by its president.

Pedagogical bodies:

  • Disciplinary board
  • Training team
  • Teaching committee by subject
  • Teaching team

عملية تجديد المنح الدراسية بالخارج لسنة 2024-2025

يشرفنا أن نوافيكم بكيفيات وشروط تجديد المنح الدراسية للطلبة الذين يتابعون تكوينا إقاميا بالخارج في إطار السنة الجامعية 2024 ـ2025، لمعلومات اكثر يرجى منكم تحميل الرسالة تحميل بطاقة متابعة التدرج البيداغوجي للطلبة الممنوحين في الخارج باللغة العربية تحميل بطاقة متابعة...

Colloque national hybride sur: « Le passage du régime fixe vers le régime flottant. Quelles modalités de transition pour les autorités monétaires algériennes ? »

La faculté des sciences economiques et des sciences de gestion en collaboration avec le laboratoire de developpement, economie, finance, institutions (D.E.F.I) organisent le Colloque National Hybride sur "Le passage du régime fixe vers le régime flottant. Quelles...