Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou
Scientific research

University Accreditation Department

University accreditation is an extremely important step in the scientific and professional career of the teacher-researcher and permanent researcher who meets the requirements for candidacy.

This approach is essentially based on the principle of progress through teaching and research activities, enabling teachers and researchers who meet the criteria for promotion to magistral rank to achieve a high level of scientific competence and aptitude.

After a rigorous administrative and scientific evaluation, university accreditation confirms the promotion of research professors from the grade of "B" to "A" lecturer, and the promotion of permanent researchers from the grade of "B" to "A" research professor.

 As a result, they are granted the right to supervise and direct research activities.

Admissibility and file creation

Who can apply for university accreditation?
  • The Habilitation Universitaire is open to research professors holding a Doctorate in Science or LMD, or a recognized equivalent diploma, justifying the grade of Maitre de conférence class B, and to permanent researchers justifying the grade of Maitre de recherche class B.
  • Habilitation candidates must have been working for at least three years, consecutively or sequentially, in one or more academic or research establishments.
  • Hold a PhD or equivalent foreign qualification for at least one (01) year.
  • Apply for university accreditation in the doctoral program.
  • Lead author of at least one (01) non-thesis publication, submitted and published after doctoral defense.


What do I need to include in my application for university accreditation?

The application must include the following documents:

    • Application addressed to the President of the Regional University Accreditation Commission
    • CV outlining the various stages of the candidate's career path
    • Decision to grant tenure in the MCB grade
    • Recent certificate of appointment
    • Copies of university degrees obtained
    • Copy of doctoral thesis
    • Non-thesis publication submitted and published after the doctoral defense where the candidate is principal author.
    • All teaching work (courses, practical work, supervision, etc.) carried out during the candidate's professional career (attach teaching certificates).
    • Report on teaching activities, ..., carried out by the candidate during his/her professional career, initialled and stamped by the head of department
    • Online courses validated by scientific bodies (if applicable)
    • Course handouts validated by scientific authorities (if applicable)
    • Educational publications (if any)
    • Tutoring certified by department head (if applicable)
    • Follow-up of student trainees in the company, certified by the head of department (if applicable)
    • Involvement in the University's relationship with the socio-economic environment, as attested by the head of department (if applicable)
    • Participation in teaching activities (seminar, workshop, CP chair, ....) certified by department head (if applicable)
    • Supervision of dissertations (bachelor's, master's, engineering, magister), if applicable. Please enclose a certificate from the head of department or the official report of defence (maximum three dissertations).

Application deadlines and procedures

When and where should candidates submit their applications for university accreditation?

The Human Resources Department of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research is launching the first round of applications for university accreditation, with two sessions per year.

The application file must be submitted exclusively by the candidate via the digital platform, using his/her "PROGRES" electronic account. If you do not have an account, please contact the department responsible for the "PROGRES" system at your university to set up a personal account.

Candidates who do not have "PROGRES" electronic accounts to access the platform, whether they are candidates at the research centers or higher education establishments of the Ministry of National Defense or the ministerial departments under its supervision, will be given "PROGRES" electronic accounts on the basis of a nominative list sent to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research by the General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development or the Ministry of National Defense or other ministerial departments, The relevant departments of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research forward the electronic accounts to each candidate via the e-mail address indicated on the nominative list of candidates.

When is an application for university accreditation accepted for review and assessment?

Applications for university accreditation are accepted for study and assessment after validation of the administrative, pedagogical and supervisory aspects of the application by the director of the university or research establishment, or by the president of the regional conference, as the case may be, in the case of applications submitted by candidates affiliated with higher education establishments under the authority of the Ministry of National Defense and other ministerial sectors under its supervision, in compliance with the conditions set out in articles 7 and 8 of order no. 804 of July 14, 2021.

Which body is responsible for reviewing applications?

Each regional university conference shall set up a regional university accreditation commission, known as the "Commission régionale d'habilitation universitaire", responsible for studying and assessing applications.

 Applications for university accreditation are examined by the regional conference to which the applicant's establishment belongs.

What is the composition and membership of this regional commission?

Each regional university accreditation commission is made up of active permanent research professors and researchers, with the rank of professor or research director, who have served at least three (3) years in this capacity, for a non-renewable period of three (03) years.

The president of the regional university conference chairs and coordinates the work of the regional university accreditation commission.

How is the regional university accreditation commission organized?

The regional university accreditation commission is organized into sub-commissions according to field and/or stream.

The chairmen and members of the sub-committees are appointed by order of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

How are candidates' applications assessed?

Applications for university accreditation are evaluated in accordance with the evaluation grid appended to order no. 804 of July 14, 2021.In this respect, it should be noted that the minimum threshold of points required to accept an application is determined on the basis of the deliberations of the regional university accreditation commissions, before the proclamation of results, and in a uniform manner for all candidates in all transparency and fairness, in order to ensure their promotion on the basis of pedagogical and research work and scientific rigor qualifying them with merit to enable them to later exercise their missions, particularly with regard to the supervision and direction of research work.

Proclamation of results and review of appeals

How are the deliberations of the regional university accreditation commission conducted?

The regional university accreditation commission carries out its deliberations and draws up the results report, based on the work of the sub-commissions.

Sub-committees take decisions by a majority of the votes of the members present. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.

How are the results of deliberations announced?

The chairmen of the regional university accreditation commissions forward the results reports to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for approval and notification to the directors of the establishments concerned within a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of the results reports.

Immediately after notifying the candidate of his or her results, the director of the institution to which he or she belongs draws up the decree promoting the candidate to the grade of maître de conférences class "A" or maître de recherche class "A".

What happens if a candidate is refused university accreditation?

If university accreditation is refused, the director of the establishment informs the applicant of the regional university accreditation commission's decision via his/her PROGRES electronic account, together with the reasons for the refusal.

Unsuccessful candidates may lodge an appeal via the same digital platform with the regional university accreditation commission, within eight (08) days of the date of notification of the decision to refuse their university accreditation.

In the event of an appeal, the regional university accreditation commissions are responsible, within fifteen (15) days of the date on which the appeal is lodged, for drawing up a report on the results of the examination of the appeals, which will be forwarded by its chairmen to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, for approval and notification to the directors of the establishments concerned in order to take the necessary steps, as appropriate, by issuing a promotion decree for accepted appeals and notifying the other candidates of the rejection of their appeals.

Are the results of the appeals definitive?

The decision taken following examination of the appeal is final. However, the candidate has the option of resubmitting an application for future sessions, under the same conditions.

Other business

Can teaching and training duties carried out by the permanent researcher as a secondary occupation in establishments other than the one in which he or she usually works be taken into account in the evaluation?

The teaching and training tasks carried out in this context by the permanent researcher are taken into account in the assessment.


When do patent points count?

To be eligible for points, a patent must be registered and accepted by the registration authority(PCT, INAPI, INAPI), and a certificate containing all the information relating to the patent must be presented when accessing the digital platform.


Is the promise of publication taken into consideration?

The scientific article must be published when the application is submitted.


Is a scientific article published in a scientific journal previously recognized by the DGRSDT at the time of submission accepted when it turns out that the journal is no longer recognized when the article is published and the issue is released?

The scientific article may be accepted or rejected, in this particular situation, with reference to the journal's eligibility at the time of submission.

What date is taken into consideration for the evaluation of the candidate's file, in relation to the submission and publication of the scientific article?

The date of submission of the scientific article must be after the date of the doctoral defense, and the date of publication must be after the date of issue of the doctoral diploma.

What date is taken into consideration for other research work?

The date of completion of the research work must be after the date of the doctoral defense.

Regulatory texts

Order 804 of July 14, 2021 setting the terms and conditions for the application of provisions relating to university accreditation.

Executive Decree no. 21-50 of 14 Joumada Ethania 1442 corresponding to January 28, 2021, setting the conditions and procedures for obtaining University accreditation.

Order no. 1082 of 27.12.2020, laying down rules for preventing and combating plagiarism

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Les résultats de la 5ème session de l’Habilitation Universitaire

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Application for university accreditation

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Notice of defence Ms AICHE Ourdia

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Scientific journals