Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou
Scientific research

Scientific Research Department

Department for the follow-up of scientific research and the promotion of its results, based on the following principles:

  • Mastering technology and accelerating the development of national capacities for invention, innovation and valorization to reduce the vulnerability of the national economy, particularly in strategic areas.
  • Expanding training in profiles and specialties tailored to the requirements of the national economy and the development of science and technology, with a view to building up a high-level, high-performance and operational scientific and technical human potential.
  • Decentralize and strengthen the links between research, production and training to better integrate activities and optimize scientific resources through international cooperation.
  • Creating the conditions for developing scientific knowledge and extending technical progress to all areas of the country's activity.
  • Promoting and disseminating scientific culture within society, with a view to assessing its scientific level and enabling a better appreciation of scientific and technological choices for development. The Research Department is responsible for :
  • Promoting the results of scientific research projects carried out by laboratories and C.N.P.R.U .
  • Managing associate researchers' files
  • Validation of research projects, assessments and new projects by the national evaluation commission
  • Ensures compliance with current regulations governing the recruitment of research associates.


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Scientific journals