Vice-rectorate in charge of post-graduate training, university accreditation, scientific research and post-graduate training
Post-graduate training department: This department is responsible for
- follow-up of training offer files (accreditation and renewal) for magister and doctorate programs, before and after appraisal.
- Follow-up of post-graduate entrance examinations.
- Student enrolment and re-registration (centralized at the Vice Rectorate).
- Diplomas (Magister, Doctorat Classique and Doctorat LMD).
- Authenticity of diplomas and school certificates.
- Drawing up various balance sheets.
- Drawing up the different statistical frameworks required by the various authorities
University accreditation department : This department is responsible for
- Registration for university accreditation.
- Follow-up of university accreditation files.
- Management of examination files and awarding of University accreditation diplomas.
Telephone: email:vrpgrs@ummto.dzDepartment for monitoring research activities and promoting results: This department is responsible for
- Monitoring the research activities of research units and laboratories and promoting their results.
- Management of CNEPRU and PNR research projects and promotion of their results.
- Drawing up research certificates and research authorizations.
- Review of applications for promotion to research grade.
- Follow-up of three-yearly balance sheets and budgets for research units and laboratories.
- collecting and disseminating information on the University's research activities.
Vice-Rectorate of Higher Education, First and Second Cycles, Continuing Education and Diplomas and Graduate Training
its missions:
- Monitor issues relating to the running of courses and internships organized by the university.
- Ensure that the training programs offered by faculties and institutes are consistent with the university's development plan.
- Ensure compliance with current regulations on registration, re-registration, assessment and progression of graduating students.
- Monitor distance learning initiatives and promote continuing education activities at the university.
- Ensure compliance with regulations and procedures in force concerning the awarding of diplomas and equivalences.
- Maintain and update the student database.
Vice rectorate in charge of external relations, cooperation, animation and communication and scientific events
- National and international partnership agreements,
- Cotutelle doctoral theses,
- European programs (Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus +, etc.),
- Bilateral research projects (CMEP, CNRS, PHC Maghreb, PCIM, ....),
- Visiting foreigners (Reception, Programs, ...),
- Scholarships abroad (Erasmus Mundus, AUF, Islamic Development Bank (IDB), etc.),
- Visa files,
- Partnership with the socio-economic sector,
- Support structures (CASAM, BLEU, Maison de l'entreprenariat, Bureau PAPS, etc.),
- Organizing scientific and technical events (forums, job fairs, etc.).
- Production of university newsletters,
- International news and information on the university website,
- Creation of leaflets, brochures, posters, guides, etc.
- Management of the university's scientific and technical events account.
Vice rectorate in charge of development, foresight and guidance
- Gather the information needed to draw up draft development plans for the university.
- Carry out prospective studies on projected changes in the university's student body, and propose measures to address them, particularly in terms of changes in teaching and administrative staff.
- Maintain the university's statistical database, updating it regularly.
- Produce information materials on the university's teaching programs and their career opportunities.
- Provide students with all the information they need to make the right choice.
- Monitor construction programs and ensure implementation of the university's equipment programs in conjunction with the relevant departments