Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou


Vice-rectorate in charge of post-graduate training, university accreditation, scientific research and post-graduate training

Post-graduate training department: This department is responsible for

  • follow-up of training offer files (accreditation and renewal) for magister and doctorate programs, before and after appraisal.
  • Follow-up of post-graduate entrance examinations.
  • Student enrolment and re-registration (centralized at the Vice Rectorate).
  • Diplomas (Magister, Doctorat Classique and Doctorat LMD).
  • Authenticity of diplomas and school certificates.
  • Drawing up various balance sheets.
  • Drawing up the different statistical frameworks required by the various authorities

University accreditation department : This department is responsible for

  • Registration for university accreditation.
  • Follow-up of university accreditation files.
  • Management of examination files and awarding of University accreditation diplomas.

Telephone: email:vrpgrs@ummto.dzDepartment for monitoring research activities and promoting results: This department is responsible for

  • Monitoring the research activities of research units and laboratories and promoting their results.
  • Management of CNEPRU and PNR research projects and promotion of their results.
  • Drawing up research certificates and research authorizations.
  • Review of applications for promotion to research grade.
  • Follow-up of three-yearly balance sheets and budgets for research units and laboratories.
  • collecting and disseminating information on the University's research activities.
Vice-Rectorate of Higher Education, First and Second Cycles, Continuing Education and Diplomas and Graduate Training

its missions:

  • Monitor issues relating to the running of courses and internships organized by the university.
  • Ensure that the training programs offered by faculties and institutes are consistent with the university's development plan.
  • Ensure compliance with current regulations on registration, re-registration, assessment and progression of graduating students.
  • Monitor distance learning initiatives and promote continuing education activities at the university.
  • Ensure compliance with regulations and procedures in force concerning the awarding of diplomas and equivalences.
  • Maintain and update the student database.


Vice rectorate in charge of external relations, cooperation, animation and communication and scientific events
  • National and international partnership agreements,
  • Cotutelle doctoral theses,
  • European programs (Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus +, etc.),
  • Bilateral research projects (CMEP, CNRS, PHC Maghreb, PCIM, ....),
  • Visiting foreigners (Reception, Programs, ...),
  • Scholarships abroad (Erasmus Mundus, AUF, Islamic Development Bank (IDB), etc.),
  • Visa files,
  • Partnership with the socio-economic sector,
  • Support structures (CASAM, BLEU, Maison de l'entreprenariat, Bureau PAPS, etc.),
  • Organizing scientific and technical events (forums, job fairs, etc.).
  • Production of university newsletters,
  • International news and information on the university website,
  • Creation of leaflets, brochures, posters, guides, etc.
  • Management of the university's scientific and technical events account.


Vice rectorate in charge of development, foresight and guidance
  • Gather the information needed to draw up draft development plans for the university.
  • Carry out prospective studies on projected changes in the university's student body, and propose measures to address them, particularly in terms of changes in teaching and administrative staff.
  • Maintain the university's statistical database, updating it regularly.
  • Produce information materials on the university's teaching programs and their career opportunities.
  • Provide students with all the information they need to make the right choice.
  • Monitor construction programs and ensure implementation of the university's equipment programs in conjunction with the relevant departments


Lettre de consultation relative à la consultation N°23/SDMM/UMMTO/2024

La Sous-Direction des Moyens et de la Maintenance l’université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi Ouzou.   Lance une consultation portant sur «Acquisition de Fourniture  y compris des Composants Electroniques, Mécaniques ,Audio Visuels, Accessoire et Besoins de Laboratoire au...

Lettre de consultation relative à la consultation N°22/SDMM/UMMTO/2024

La Sous-Direction des Moyens et de la Maintenance l’université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi Ouzou.   Lance une consultation portant sur «Mobilier, Matériel, Outillage et Matériel scientifique, au profit de l’Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou» Dans le cadre du budget...

ملتقى وطني (حضوري/عن بعد) حول : فكرة الحماية في قواعد القانون الدولي الانساني (15 أكتوبر 2024)

تنظم كلية الحقوق و العلوم السياسية, فرقة البحث "من أجل تفعيل الدور الرقابي للمجلس الدستوري" بالتعاون مع مخبر العولمة و القانون الوطني ملتقى وطني  حضوري و عن بعد حول : فكرة الحماية في قواعد القانون الدولي الانساني يوم 15 اكتوبر 2024  آخر اجل لاستقبال المداخلات:...