Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou


Vice rectorat chargé des relations exterieures et des manifestations scientifique

1. Presentation

The Bureau de Liaison Entreprise Université (BLEU) is a department of the Vice-Rectorate in charge of external relations. Its role is to create and consolidate links between the university and companies, with the aim of opening up the university to its socio-economic environment.

2. Objectives and missions of the B.L.EU:

BLUE objectives

It can be approached from a dual perspective: that of the university and that of the company.


For the university, this means :

  • Promoting openness to the socio-economic world;
  • Identify all possible forms of cooperation ;
  • Motivate training project leaders and students to open up to the socio-economic world;
  • Develop students' ambitions for the world of work;
  • Helping to place trainees in companies as part of the preparation of their end-of-study work;
  • Work to provide students with opportunities for professional integration;
  • Set up collaborations in research projects;
  • Enable students to enter the world of work with a qualification in line with the needs of the socio-economic world.


On the corporate side, these are :

  • Develop links between the economic sector and the university by organizing information days and encouraging all possible partnerships;
  • Provide a communication platform for companies through partnerships in scientific events organized by the university;
  • Be receptive to the evolution of knowledge, with academics contributing upstream to the training of future employees and downstream to the training of company personnel.

Missions of the B.L.E.U

    The B.L.E.U.'s main mission is to :

    • Create cooperative links between the university and its socio-economic environment;
    • Collaborate with faculty internship departments to offer graduate students internship opportunities with companies;
    • To forge links between university research laboratories and companies, enabling the latter to benefit from the research programs of our research teams and facilitating access to information for researchers;
    • Support startup and corporate project leaders by providing them with a network to help their businesses grow.

    3-Meanings of the B.L.E.U:

    • Human resources: BLEU can mobilize trainers, researchers, technical staff and students.
    • Material resources : Le Bleu has the equipment and logistics needed to carry out partnerships: paper, printers, information and communication media (web page, posters, radio broadcasts, etc.).
    • Moral resources: a team with ideas and projects...

    Finally,the B.L.E. U. is there to raise awareness, advise, train and build bridges between the university and the socio-economic world in which it operates.


    Telephone: 026 11 67 87


