Introducing the Technology and Innovation Support Center (CATI)
CATI is a support structure for researchers in the field of industrial property.
Setting up CATI- UMMTO
Created in 2017 following a partnership agreement signed between the Mouloud MAMMERI University of Tizi-Ouzou UMMTO and the Algerian National Institute of Industrial Property INAPI.
CATI missions
CATI supports researchers through the following services:
- Access to patent databases
- Assistance and advice in industrial property management, including state-of-the-art research and patent drafting.
- Assistance and advice on registering trademarks and industrial designs.
- Organization of training and awareness days on intellectual property.
- Organization of challenges and competitions for the best innovative ideas.
- Organization of business meetings on technology transfer contracts, in collaboration with the blue office.
- Participation in national and international events promoting innovation.