Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou

European Research & Innovation  day

28 Sep 2022 | Coopération

About the event

This year’s European Research and Innovation Days gives you the opportunity to debate how EU research and innovation will help build the world we want to live in. Join us to discuss and shape new solutions.

This is your chance to discuss the new European Innovation Agenda, the European Year of Youth, the richness of European cultural creativity, the EU Missions and many more topics. Register here, stay tuned for more news by following us on Twitter @EUScienceInnov, and join the conversation on #RiDaysEU.

Explore the programme, discover the sessions for you and get ready to discuss the future of research and innovation with participants from across Europe and beyond.

To download the full programme in PDF, click here!

Visit the European Research and Innovation Exhibition that showcases over 100 EU-funded projects that are helping to build the Europe we all want to live in.

Pour plus d’informations cliquez sur ce lien:R&I Days 2022 | The research and innovation community platcruform (europa.eu)

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