Message from the Rector - Pr Ahmed Bouda I'm pleased to address the entire university community of Tizi Ouzou to inform them of the project to be implemented for the benefit of the Mouloud MAMMERI University, so that it can regain its prestige and become the locomotive of local and national development. Despite shortcomings in administrative and pedagogical management, and delays in a number of areas, the university nonetheless has a number of assets at its disposal to help it get back on its feet quickly:
- The university has 2089 permanent teaching staff (at 31/12/20).
- The headcount ratio is 26.6
- 28% of the teaching staff are senior lecturers
- Once the 10,000 places under construction at Tamda have been delivered, the university will be well equipped in terms of teaching infrastructure.
- Even if the volume of research needs to be improved rapidly, there is a high level of research activity, with scientific articles sometimes published in prestigious A+ journals,
- The publication of several scientific journals, including one in the field of engineering, classified as category B and listed in the Thomson Reuters "Emerging Sources" list, paving the way for its promotion to category A.
On the strength of these assets, and in particular its human capital, Mouloud MAMMERI University has set itself the following objectives
- For quality training that meets the needs of the job market,
- For innovative research with a socio-economic impact
- To become the driving force behind environmentally-friendly development
- For scientific and cultural influence
- To rank among the world's universities
Yes, it's possible. However, to achieve these objectives, we need to radically change our mode of governance and break with past practices. To this end, an emergency plan will first be implemented to return to normal operations, followed by a multi-year plan that will take into account all the opportunities offered by the university to finally take off towards performance and innovation. Emergency plan This is a necessary step to get all the structures and bodies back on track, so that they can finally take on the tasks assigned to them. These actions can be broken down as follows.
- A weekly Management Board meeting is held every Monday at 09:00 to follow up on urgent actions to be implemented and new practices to be adopted.
- Dealing with the serious problem of insecurity on the University's campuses and residences. In view of its ramifications outside the establishment, several avenues are being explored.
- Revert to the application of regulations in all areas and by the entire university community (administrative staff, teacher-researchers, ATS civil servants and students). Instructions have already been issued and awareness-raising activities will be carried out.
- Henceforth, all questions relating to scientific bodies and/or training teams will be discussed only by these bodies. Pedagogical committees with student representatives will be set up in all departments, and meetings will be held on a regular basis.
- Promote stability in the various positions of administrative, pedagogical and scientific responsibility, to enable managers to gain experience in management. Nevertheless, each of them will be subject to regular evaluation. A roadmap will be drawn up for each manager, and the objectives to be achieved will be identified.
- In terms of human resources and financial management, work is underway to identify the appropriate administrative staff. The regularization of pending cases (various reminders) is scheduled as part of the 2021 supplementary budget. The budget deconcentration operation has been launched, with support for the faculties. We hope that by January 2022, the budget will be fully deconcentrated. This will enable us to progressively allocate sufficient funds to the various chapters and acquire the material resources essential to the operation of the university's departments, particularly the teaching laboratories.
- Initiate an ongoing training program for all ATS civil servants to enable them to update and develop their theoretical and practical knowledge, and reserve positions for them to promote themselves up the professional hierarchy.
- To rapidly raise the university's profile, a meeting of the Board of Management was devoted to the Network Center, and a number of decisions were taken:
- To unify the university's 42 websites into a single web portal,
- To generalize the use of corporate mail,
- To ensure that the home page of any computer connected to the university network is the home page of the website,
- ...
- A housing commission will be set up shortly, and instructions have been given to identify all illegally occupied housing and take action to recover all property misappropriated from the university.
- From now on, management will be characterized by total transparency and consultation. For example :
- All the minutes of the Management Board, the University Scientific Council and the Board of Directors are posted on the university website,
- The budget and budget items will be allocated to each faculty by the Board of Directors according to strict criteria,
- On the pedagogical front, we will be relaunching our efforts to create new institutes. With the support of the Centre des Réseaux, we will continue to implement the virtual university through the use of ICT in teaching (online courses, MOOCs, etc.). We'll be working on continuous improvement of teaching time through concrete actions, in particular awareness-raising. To this end, a meeting will be held in each faculty, attended by staff and student representatives, to raise awareness of the need to close premises. As soon as sanitary conditions permit, another series of meetings will be organized with the staff and teaching staff of each faculty. Work will also be launched with teaching teams to discuss the need to return to a practice of teaching that complies with regulations.
- In the field of post-graduation and research, a reference document is currently being prepared, in line with the regulations, which will be sent to research laboratories and faculty scientific councils for enrichment. The summary will be submitted to the University's Scientific Council for adoption, and will serve as a roadmap for the processing of post-graduation and research files. A survey of overdue doctoral students will be launched, and they will be asked to submit a progress report and timetable at the beginning of each academic year, signed by the thesis director and approved by the Faculty's Scientific Council.
- In the area of cooperation, a programme of work in close collaboration with faculties has been launched.
- To seek national and international agreements,
- To set up interface structures with the socio-economic world,
- To register the university in international programs,
- To relaunch the incubator project
- Finally, to open the file on the development of the facility project.
- In the area of planning, a file concerning internet and intranet networks for the Tamda campuses has been prepared and forwarded to the Director of Finance for registration. All the equipment operations from which the university has benefited, both teaching and research, will be relaunched. Other operations will be requested from the supervisory authorities to make up for the backlog in this area. A project to create a faculty dedicated to Medical Sciences is already scheduled.
Outlook While implementing the emergency plan described above to return the university to normal operations, a medium- and long-term improvement and development program will be implemented. This is broken down as follows:
- Set up a central quality assurance unit with branches at faculty level. As a first step, it will carry out a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats), followed by an assessment of a number of priority areas (training, research, governance and relations with the socio-economic environment).
- Draw up a facility project backed by quality assurance as part of a participative approach. Management by objectives will become standard practice, and evaluation will be systematic. We will take advantage of the fact that our university is one of 12 national partner establishments in the ESAGOV cooperation project, the aim of which is to support local universities in drawing up their respective establishment projects.
- Generalize digitization to all areas, including archives.
- Create the human and material conditions needed to accelerate the introduction of distance learning (teacher training, acquisition of servers, etc.).
- Adapt training provision to the world of work and society's needs by increasing the number of vocational training courses.
- Strengthen collaboration between the university and the socio-economic world to facilitate student integration and employability
- Amplify the research dynamic by opening new doctoral programs and encouraging the creation of new research laboratories to involve as many teachers as possible in research. Set the medium-term objective of opening a doctoral program and a research laboratory for each existing graduation program.
- Set up shared university services (incubator, technology platforms, etc.)
- Focusing our research on innovation to contribute to the implementation of an alternative development strategy to hydrocarbons, we will also work to master the processes of knowledge and technology transfer to national development players.
- Encourage the provision of services to prepare the university to meet part of its expenses
- Affirm our international reach by expanding our cooperation and strengthening our presence in various international programs.
- In terms of development projects, files relating to the creation of infrastructures dedicated to research, sport and culture will be submitted to the supervisory authority.
- Finally, in the "Student Life" section, we will be encouraging the creation of scientific, cultural and sports clubs, improving the working environment (teaching areas, green spaces, support for people with special needs, etc.) and involving students in the implementation of the university's strategic development plan.
With the acquisition of equipment for teaching and research laboratories due to be launched shortly, with the gradual establishment of the incubator, technology platforms and various interface structures with the socio-economic world, and finally with its high-level human potential in numerous disciplines, Over the next few years, Tizi Ouzou's Mouloud MAMMERI University will not only be able to make a name for itself scientifically and climb the national and international rankings, but will also be able to enter the field of innovation and make its contribution to local and national development.
Prof. Ahmed Bouda
Rector of Tizi-Ouzou's Mouloud Mammeri University