Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Food Quality and Safety Laboratory (LQSA)

Le Laboratoire

Attached institution : Mouloud MAMMERI University of TIZI OUZOU

Director:Pr Amrouche Tahar

Laboratory acronym :LQSA

Themes: Foodqualityand safety

 Address: Faculty of Biological Sciences and Agronomic Sciences, Nouvelle ville, Tizi Ouzou

Email us:

Number of researchers: 27

Number of teams:4


Laboratory history

After several years of collaboration on various scientific research projects of common interest, within the Faculty of Biological and Agricultural Sciences, teacher-researchers Dr Amrouche Tahar, Dr Djenane Djamel, Dr Amrane Rachid and Dr Amir Youcef decided to put their complementary skills and expertise to good use in promoting scientific research by setting up a research laboratory to meet national needs for skills in quality systems, animal production and food processing, packaging and preservation technology. After reflection, discussion and consultation, the project to create a laboratory entitled Food Quality and Safety (QSA) was launched under the coordination of Dr. Amrouche Tahar. By 2014, the QSA laboratory had received its accreditation (ministerial decree 547 of 20/07/2014. Code: C1013500) with four research teams. The QSA laboratory was directed by Pr Djenane Djamel for two terms (2014-2020), with Pr Amrouche Tahar currently in charge.

Our objectives

  • Quality and risk management in the food industry.
  • Isolation and identification by cultural and non-cultural methods (serotyping, genotyping, etc.) of pathogenic microbial strains in food matrices.
  • Study of antibiotic resistance in bacterial strains isolated from food matrices.
  • Isolation, identification and characterization of local microbial strains of technological interest (lactic acid bacteria or molds).
  • Isolation, identification and characterization of local microbial strains beneficial to human or animal health (probiotics).
  • Research and characterization (physicochemical and biological) of bioactive molecules derived from local plants renowned for their virtues.
  • Promoting products from mountain agriculture.
  • Development of livestock and animal products in mountain areas.
  • Publications, communications, organization of scientific events.
  • Supervision of students preparing master's theses and doctoral dissertations.