Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Call for participation in international scientific events

Jul 18, 2023 | Perfecting your skills abroad

As part of the international mobility program for 2023, and with the aim of using up the remaining budget of several faculties following the first call for applications, the Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou is launching a call for applications for teachers-researchers and doctoral students to participate in international scientific events(PMS).

In the Faculty of Biological and Agricultural Sciences, in addition to PMS, interested parties can also apply for Stages de perfectionnement (SP) and Séjours scientifiques de haut niveau (SSHN).

Interested parties can apply online via the following link:

Application form for PMS

  • Handwritten request
  • Letter of acceptance to the scientific event (may be submitted at a later date)
  • Summary of the communication
  • For non-salaried doctoral students and teacher-researchers preparing a doctoral thesis, the handwritten application must include the opinion of the thesis director. Doctoral students must also provide proof of regular enrolment from the second year onwards (2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school attendance certificates required).
  • The communication must be related to the thesis theme.


The platform was closed on 25/09/2023 at 13h00


  • You can only access the form using your professional e-mail account. 
  • Once you have correctly completed this form, you will automatically receive a confirmation e-mail for your professional account.

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