Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou


Vice rectorate in charge of external relations and scientific events

Presentation of the InSIDE Project: (Including Students with Impairments in Distance Education - Inclusion des Etudiants en situation de Han-dicap dans l'Education à distance) is a project on capacity building in higher education (Erasmus +) that aims to develop ac- cessible, inclusive and educationally efficacious Distance Learning programs for per- sons with visual, hearing and mobility deficiences (ViHeMo) with a user-centered design.

The actions of this project will be structured according to 3 strands: a) Pedagogical equip- ment, b) Diffusion system (Distance Education), c) Pedagogical Efficiency and ap- proximities. Eleven Maghreb universities (4 from Morocco, 4 from Algeria and 3 from Tunisia) will benefit from the experience of European universities in this field: the University of Macedonia (Greece), the National and Ka- podistrian University of Athens (Greece) and Johannes Kepler University (Austria). The aim is to implement Distance Education (DE) programs to deliver university courses. These programs will provide key skills for vocational rehabilitation and offrir opportunities for lifelong learning, skills enhancement and personal development, with the ultimate aim of proposing in- telligent solutions to the problems associated with limited access and addressing the dropout of students with disabilities in higher education.

Objectifs généraux

  • Develop and experiment with new innovative, ac- cessible and inclusive DE programs aimed at improving the quality of su- plementary education for students with ViHeMo deficiences and offranting flexible learning and virtual mobility.
  • Strengthen the operation of accessibility units at partner universities in the Maghreb and equip them with cutting-edge assistive technologies to help students with specific needs.
  • Build the capacity and professional development of administrative and academic staff afin to design adapted training programs and provide new services via acces- sibility units for students with disabilities.
  • Involve students with ViHeMo deficiences in user-centered concep- tion afinds that accessibility and usability are combined, and the links between education and society are ren- forced.

Results and Implementation

  • Situational analysis of the accessibility of distance-education (DE) programs, web platforms and teaching materials at partner universities.
  • Development of appropriate digital supports of pedagogical material for students with disabilities in terms of acces- sibility, user-friendliness and pedagogical efficacy, through the study of final users' needs.
  • Adaptation and supply of an open source LMS web platform to meet the needs of students with disabilities.
  • Strengthening the operation of university accessibility units afin to provide support services for students with disabilities at universities in partner countries in the Maghreb.
  • Training of trainers (administrative and academic staff) in accessibility units afin to train final users (En- seignant and students) in the use of accessible and inclusive DE programs.
  • Development of the diffusion and exploitation of InSIDE project deliverables at regional and international level.

Partner universities

University of Macedonia (Greece) (Coordinator)

National Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)

Johannes Kepler University (Austria)

Blida 2 University (Algeria)

Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou (Algeria)

Université Abou Bekr Belkaid Tlemcen (Algeria)

University of Science and Technology of Oran (Algeria)

Abdelmalek Assaadi University (Morocco)

Kadi Ayad University (Morocco)

Ibn Tofail University (Morocco)

Mohammed V University Rabat (Morocco)

University of Sfax (Tunisia)

University of Sousse (Tunisia)

Tunis El-Manar University (Tunisia)

