Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

The common services of the University Mouloud MAMMERI of Tizi Ouzou are:

-Systems and Networks Center

Created following the interministerial decree of August 24, 2004, setting out the new administrative organization of the university and its common services, it is responsible for managing all the university's IT resources and ensuring the continuity of IT services and their maintenance, such as pedagogical services, the availability of connections to intranet and internet networks and the operation of the various services offered, as well as the maintenance of the university's IT equipment. Every department, every research laboratory and every administrative service of the rectorate and faculties has been equipped with the Internet tool, which is connected from the central node domiciled in the network service, via a specialized 100 Mbps link on a single-mode fiber optic medium connected to the CERIST provider to integrate the ARN (Academic Research Network) university network.

-Audiovisual department

CIAV Centre d'Impression et d'Audiovisuel is a joint service of the University. It comprises two sections: - The Printing Service. - The Audiovisual Service. The Printing Department is one of CIAV's two sections. It designs and prints pedagogical and didactic documents and scientific publications (posters, leaflets, invitations, certificates, business cards, etc.) for the University's scientific and cultural events. The role of the Audiovisual Department is to provide technical support for the recording of teaching and educational documents on any audiovisual medium. It is also responsible for the audiovisual recording of the University's scientific and cultural events, and for producing an archive to be made accessible to all via the University's website.

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