Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

UMMTO framework agreements with research establishments
and research centers

Centre de Recherche en Technologies Agro-Alimentaire (CRTAA)

Centre de Recherche en Technologies Agro-Alimentaire

Adresse: Pôle universitaire Targa Azemmour, Béjaia-Algérie

Date de signature: 16/01/2024

Durée de la convention: 03 ans

Télécharger la Convention (CRTAA- PDF)

Agence National des Déchets

Address: 34, rue des fusillés, Mohamed Belouizdad, Algiers.
Tel: 021673667
Fax: 021673890
Duration of agreement: from 06/12/2017 to 06/12/2020(tacitly renewable)

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National Center for Prehistoric, Anthropological and Historical Research

Address: 03, rue Franklin Roosevelt, 16500 Alger
Duration of agreement: 05 years from 25/11/2021 (renewable by tacit agreement)

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Research center for physico-chemical analysis

Address: zone industrielle lot n°30, 42415 Bou ismail Algérie
Tel: 024325774
Duration of agreement: 05 years from 15 / 05/2018 to 15/05/2023 (renewable by tacit agreement)

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Center for Research in Amazigh Language and Culture (CRLCA)

Agreement with the Center for Research in Amazigh Language and Culture (CRLCA)

Signature date: July 11, 2023

Duration of agreement: 5 years

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Renewable Energy Development Center(CDER)

Address: Route de l'observation, Bouzareah 16340 Alger
Tel: 021189051/021901503
Duration of agreement: 05 years from 19/09/2017 to 19/09/2022

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Industrial Technology Research Center (CRTI)

Address: Route de Dely Brahim- Adresse BP64, Cheraga-Alger.
Tel : 021-34-22-29
Fax : 021-34-22-29
Email :
Duration of the agreement : 03 years from 2016 to 2019

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Center for Applied Economic Research for Development

Address: .djamel eddine ElAFGHANI el hammadia ( Bouzaréah -alger) Bp 197 rostomia
Tel: 023180086
Fax: 023180087
Date signed: 16/02/2017
Duration: 05 years from 16/02/2017 to 16/02/2022

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Tindouf University Center

Address : le center universitaire Tindouf 37000
Date signed : 16/05/2017

Duration: 03 years from 16/05/2017 to 16/05/2020 (tacitly renewable)

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Research Center for Scientific and Technical Information

Address: Rue des 3 frères AISSOU -Ben Aknoun-Alger
Tel: 023255416
Fax: 023255410
Duration of agreement: 03 years from 07/12/2017 to 07/12/2020 (tacitly renewable)

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National Center for Integrated Building Studies and Research

Address: cité Nouvelle El Mokrani, Souidania, Alger
Tel: 021380119
Duration of agreement: 03 years from 20/05/2018 to 20/05/2021 (automatically renewable)

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Tizi- Ouzou University Hospital

Address: Rue LAMALI Ahmed Tizi-Ouzou
Duration of agreement: 03 years from 02/02/2020 to 02/02/2023 (tacitly renewable)

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Algiers Nuclear Research Center (CRNA)

Address: 2, boulevard Frantz FANON.BP 399, Alger 16000 Alger-Gare
Tel: +213 021 43 44 / 021 43 35 50
F ax: +213 021 43 42 80
Signature date: 2011 (Tacitly renewable)
Duration: 01 year from 2015 to 2016

Ecole normale supérieure

Address: 93 rue Ali Remili, Bouzaréah, Algiers
Duration of agreement: 05 years from 05/12/2021 (tacitly renewable)

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Algerian Business School

المدرسة العليا الجزائرية للأعمال

تاريخ إمضاء الإتفاقية : 03 جويلية 2023

مدّة الإتفاقية: 5 سنوات

تحميل الإتفاقية

High Commission for Steppe Development

Address: HCDS Rue de l'Emir Abdelkader
Djelfa, 17000, Algeria
Duration of agreement: 05 years from 05/01/2022

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National Forest Research Institute

Address : foret de Bainem dans la commune dEl hammamet , cheraga, Alger
Tel : 021901233
Duration of agreement : 05 years from 19/12/2018 to 19/12/2023 (automatically renewable)

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High Commission for Amazighity in Algiers (HCA)

Address: 19, Avenue Mustapha El Ouali
(Ex. Claude Debussy) Algiers, Algeria.
Tel: +213 /
Fax: +213021.63.59.06
E-mail: contact[at]
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Mouhamed Lamine DEBAGHINE University Sétif

Address: pole3 Boulevard n°03 sétif
Tel: 036661181
Duration of agreement: 05 years from 31/01/2018 to 31/01/2023

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Algerian National Institute of Industrial Property

Address: 42, larbi ben m'hidi bp 403 Alger
Tel: 021 73 57 74 / 021 73 59 39
Date signed: 28/11/2017

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Batna1 University - ELHadj Lakhdar

Address: Boulvard 19 mai, Rue Beskra , Batna
Tel: 033319077
Duration of agreement: 05 years from 17/10/2018 to 17/10/2023 (automatically renewable)

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Algiers 1 University BEN YOUCEF BEN KHEDDA

Address: 2, Rue Didouche Mourad Alger- center 16000
Tel: 021643741/021637765
Duration of agreement: 05 years from 18/06/2018 to 18/06/2023 (automatically renewable)

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Abderrahmane Mira University, Bejaia

Address: Rue terga ouzemour Béjaia
Tel: 0342109910
Fax: 034214333 à 35
Duration: 05 years from 09/11/2017 to 09/11/2022(tacitly renewable)

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M'HAMED BOUGARA University, Boumerdes

Address: Avenue de l'indépendance 35000 Boumerdes
Tel: 024795275/78
Fax: 024795271/024795209
Duration of agreement: 05 years from 18/03/2018 to 18/03/2023

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ABOU BEKR BELKAID University, Tlemcen

Address: 22, Rue Abi Ayad Abdelkrim, fg pasteur, Bp 119 Tlemcen
Tel: 043203189/ 043202336
Fax: 043204189
E-mail: webcri @
Duration: 05 years from 05/10/2017 to 05/10/2022(tacitly renewable)

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Mohamed Seddik Ben Yahia University Jijel

Address: BP 98 Cité Ouled Aissa 18000 Jijel
Tel: +213 034-50-26-88
Fax: +213 034-50-26-88
Duration: 05 years from 03/05/2015 to 03/05/2020

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Mohamed BOUDIAF MSILA University

Signature date:06/10/2022

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Université LARBI BEN M'HIDI d'Oum El Bouaghi

Adresse: BP358 Oum El Bouaghi, 04000, Route de Constantine (Algérie).

Date de signature: 21/02/2024

Durée de la convention: 05 ans (Renouvelable  par tacite reconduction)

Télécharger la Convention (PDF)

Université de la Formation Continue (UFC)

Université de la formation  continue  (UFC)

Adresse S/S: Boulevard  Ahmed Ouaked, Dali Ibrahim, Alger

Date de sgnature : 14 février 2024

Durée de la convention: 3 ans (renouvelable)

Download the agreement (PDF)

Centre National d'Etudes et de Recherches Appliquées en Urbanisme, Direction régionale de Tizi-Ouzou (CNERU/DRTO)

Accord de partenariat entre l’université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou et le Centre Nationant d’Etudes et de Recherches Appliquées en Urbanisme, Direction égionale de Tizi-Ouzou.

Adresse : 6, Bd Stiti Ali, Tizi-Ouzou

Téléphone : 026 19 94 66 / 044 93 65 48


Date de signature : 07 Mai 2024

Durée de l’accord :  03 ans (Renouvelable par tacite reconduction)

Télécharger l’accord avec le CNERU/DRTO (PDF)

Université de Constantine 3 - Salah BOUBNIDER

Convention cadre de coopération scientifique et culturelle avec l’université de Constantine 3 – Salah BOUBNIDER

Date de signature : 15 Mai 2024

durée:  05 ans

Télécharger la convention avec l’université de constantine 3 Salah Boubnider(PDF)

UMMTO framework agreements with ORGANIZATIONS

National employment agency (AWEM Tizi Ouzou)

Address: Tizi Ouzou.
Tel: 026106010

Signature date: 04/12/2023
LA Duration of agreement: 03 years

Download agreement (AWEM-TO)

General Confederation of Algerian Enterprises

Tizi-Ouzou wilaya office

Signature date: 14/05/2023

Duration of agreement: Five (05) years

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Algerian Geological Survey Agency (ASGA)

Address: lotissement du 11 décembre 1960, el biar-Alger
Signature date: 24/02/2021
Duration of agreement: 05 years (tacitly renewable).

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National Youth Employment Support Agency (ANSEJ)

Address: Ex Galerie EDGB Avenue Abane Ramdane Tizi-Ouzou
Tel: 026202323
Signature date: 08/04/2017
Duration 05 years from 08/04/2017 to 08/04/2022

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APC of Tizi-Ouzou

Address: Rue Larbi Ben Mhidi, 15000, Tizi-Ouzou

Signature date: 07/03/2022

Duration of agreement: Five (05) years

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National Agency for the Promotion and Development of Technology Parks

Duration: 05 years from 05/05/2011 to 05/05/2016 (renewable)

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National Academy for Road Protection and Safety

Address: wilaya headquarters Tizi-Ouzou
Tel: 0550.56.97.86
Signature date: 21.02.2021
Duration of agreement: 05 years (automatically renewable)

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National Agency for the Promotion and Rationalization of Energy Use

Address: 02, Rue du chenoua, Hydra, Alger
Tel: 021601149
Date of signature: 10/04/2018
Duration of the agreement: 03 years from 10/04/2018 to 10/04/2021 (Tacitly Renewable)

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Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

Address: Rue OUBOUZAR cherif Tizi-Ouzou
Tel: 026201787
Signature date: 28/12/2017
Duration: 03 years from 28/12/2017 to 28/12/2020

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Banque de Développement Local (Direction Régionale d'Exploitation de Tizi-Ouzou 839)

Banque de Développement Local Direction Régionale d'Exploitation de Tizi-Ouzou 839.

Address: Axe du nouveau lycée 15000 Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria.

Signature date: October 24, 2023

Duration of agreement: 03 years

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National Coastal Commission

Address: 30 avenue Mohamed FELLAH,KOUBA,ALGER.
Tel: 026 25 90 79.

Signature date: June 24, 2020.
Duration of agreement: 03 years

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Algerian Red Crescent

Address: Rue HARCHAOUI, ex crèche MD EL KECHAI, Tizi- ouzou
Signature date: 27/12/2023
Duration of agreement: 03 years 

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Tizi-Ouzou Chamber of Crafts and Trades

Address: cité 2000 logts bt3/122 nouvelle -Ville, To
Tel: 026114753 / 0561684830
Signature date: 21/02/2018
Duration of agreement: 03 years From 21/02/2018 to 21/02/2021 (tacitly renewable)

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Competition Council

Address: 42/44, Rue Med BELOUIZDAD, Alger
Tel: 021667049
Duration of the agreement: 05 years from 25/01/2018 to 25/01/2023
(renewable by tacit agreement)

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Tizi-Ouzou Forestry Department

Address: Rue LAMALI Ahmed
Tel: 026121235
Date signed: 06/11/2017
Duration: 03 years from 06/11/2017 to 6/11/2020

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Caisse nationale d'assurance chômage (CNAC) TO

Address: 06 Boulevard Colonel Amirouche TO
Tel: 026216497
Fax: 026218956
Date signed: 18/10/2017
Duration: 03 years from 19/10/2017 to 19/10/2020

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Djurdjura Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Address: 16 Rue des frères Aimene, BP450 Tizi-Ouzou
Tel: 026201837
Signature date: 14/01/2018
Duration: 03 years from 14/01/2018 to 14/01/2021

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Tizi-Ouzou Education Department

Address: Rue Kared Rachid, 15000, Tizi-Ouzou

Signature date: 05/04/2022

Duration of agreement: Five (05) years

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Tizi-Ouzou Civil Protection Department

Adresse : Rue Bouhinoun, Tizi-Ouzou
Date de siganture: 11/02/2024

Télécharger la convention (PDF_2024)

Direction de l'emploi (implementation agreement)

Address: Tizi-Ouzou
Tel: 026106010

Signature date : 22.01.2019

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Tizi-Ouzou Youth and Sports Department

Address: l'enceinte de l'opow (stade de 1 er novembre)
Tel: 026112950
Date signed: 30/11/2017
Duration: 05 years from 30/11/2017 to 30/11/ 2022

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Tizi-Ouzou Tourism and Crafts Department

Address: boulevard, des frères slimani Tizi-Ouzou
Tel: 026190899
Signature date: 06/12/2017
Duration: 05 years from 06/12/2017 to 06/12/2022

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Environment department

Address: avenue Abane Ramdane downtown
Tel: 026126053
Signature date: 16/07/2017
Duration: 03 years from 16/07/2017 to 16/07/2020 (tacitly renewable)

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Transport Department

Tel : 026209372
Fax : 26224628
Signature date : 31/05/1017
Duration : 05years from 31/05/2017 to 30/05/2022 (tacitly renewable)

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Water Resources Department

Address: Rue Mouloud AIT SALEM Tizi-Ouzou
Signature date: 20/03/2017
Duration: 05 years from 20/03/2017 to 20/03/2022

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Wilaya de Tizi-Ouzou Public Works Department

Address: wilaya de Tizi-Ouzou
Tel: +213 026 21 29 60

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Tizi-Ouzou Land Registry Office

Address: Rue KERRAD Rachid Tizi Ouzou
Tel: 026 22 25 02
Fax: 026 22 60 14
Term: 05 years from 09/04/2017 to 09/04/2022

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Direction de la Formation professionnelle de la willaya de Tizi-Ouzou (Professional Training Department of the Tizi-Ouzou willaya)

Address: Tizi-Ouzou
Tel: 026-19-74-38 / 026-19-74-39
Signature date: 26/02/2017
Duration: 05 years from 26/02/2017 to 26/02/2022

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Tizi-Ouzou Department of Industry and Mining

Address: wilaya headquarters
Tel: 026106225
Date signed: 26/10/2017
Duration: 05 years from 26/10/2017 to 26/10/2022

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Tizi-Ouzou School of Management

Address: zhun sud, quartier BN°03, nouvelle ville de Tizi -Ouzou
Tel: /
Date signed: 24/03/2019
Duration of agreement: 01 year (automatically renewable for a similar duration)

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MAINS MAGIQUES" vocational training school

Address: 47, rue des tours villas, immeuble AZZOUG 15000, Tizi -Ouzou
Date signed: 29/03/2018
Duration of agreement: 01 year from 29/03/2018 to 29/03/2019

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Forum Des Chefs D'entreprise (FCE)

Tel: 024 81 75 99
Fax: 024 81 83 79
Signature date: 13/05/2017 (Renewable with amendment)
Duration: 03 years from 13/05/2017 to 13/05/2020

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Tizi-Ouzou Regional Museum of the Moudjahidines

Address: Rue Mellouli Ahmed, M'douha, Tizi-Ouzou
Duration of agreement: 05 years from 07/12/2021 (tacitly renewable)

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Office National de l'Assainissement (ONA)

Address: 704+72 logements (ex72 logts) quartier c nouvelle ville, TO
Tel: 026217796
Fax: 026212087

Signature date: 07/01/2024
Duration: 03 years 

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Radio Tizi-Ouzou

Address: Rue CHIKHI Amar Tizi- Ouzou
Tel: 026129032
Fax: 02612903
Signature date: 08/10/2017
Duration: 05 years from 18/10/2017 to 18/10/2022 (tacitly renewable)

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Wilaya of Tizi-Ouzou

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Haut Commissariat à l'AMAZIGHITÉ (HCA)

Convention de partenariat avec le haut commissariat à l’AMAZIGHITÉ.

Date de signature: 16/04/2024

Durée de la convention: 3 ans renouvelable pour la même durée.

Télécharger la convention avec le HCA (PDF) 

Direction des services agricoles de la wilaya de Tizi-Ouzou

Convention de coopération entre la direction des services agricoles de la wilaya de Tizi-Ouzou et l’université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou.

Date de signature: 15 Mai 2024

Durée de la convention: 03 ans 

Télécharger la conention avec la direction des services Agricoles de la wilaya de tizi-Ouzou(PDF)

Agence Nationale de Valorisation des Résultats de la Recherche et du Développement Technologique (ANVREDET)

Convention cadre de coopération entre l’Agence Nationale de Valorisation des Résultats de la Recherche et du Développement Technologique (ANVREDET) et ‘l’université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou.

Date de signature: 15 Mai 2024

Durée de la convention: 01 année (renouvelable par tacite reconduction pour une durée de 03 ans)

Télécharger la convention ANVREDET (PDF)

Office National de la Météorologie (ONM)

Convention cadre de coopération entre l’université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou (UMMTO) et l’Office National de la Météorologie (ONM)

Date de signature : 20 Mai 2024

Durée de l’accord : 05 ans (Renouvelable par tacite reconduction pour la même durée)

Télécharger la convention ONM-UMMTO (PDF)

UMMTO framework agreements with companies


Accord de partenariat avec l’entreprise YAKOU-Fil, societé privé à caractère economique de fabrication de fils électriques.

Adresse: Ex souk el fellah Yakourene, Tizi-Ouzou, Algérie.

Date de signature: 16 avril 2024

Durée de l’accord : 03 ans (renouvelable par tacite reconduction)

Télécharger la convention YAKOU-Fil (PDF)

Hôpital Chahids MAHMOUDI (HCM)

Convention cadre entre l’université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou et l’hôpital Chahids MAHMOUDI établissement hospitaler privé offrant des prises en charge dans toutes les spécialités médico-chirurgicales.

Date de signature: 15 avril 2024

Durée de la convention: 03 ans (renouvelable par tacite reconduction).

Télécharger la convention avec l’hôpital Chahids MAHMOUDI (PDF)


EURL MENDJEL Manutention

Accord de partenariat avec l’Entreprise Unipersonnelle à Responsabilité Limitée (EURL) MENDJEL Manutention à caractère industriel dont le siège social est sis à Tala El Mal, Tizi Rached, Tizi-Ouzou, Algérie.

Date de signature: 28 Avril 2024

Durée de l’accord: 03 ans (renouvelable par tacite reconduction)

Télécharger l’accord avec l’EURL MENDJEL Manutention (PDF)


Address: Route de Boghni Drâa El Mizan, Tizi-Ouzou.
Duration of agreement: 03 years, renewable from June 21, 2022.

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Entreprise Nationale des Industries de l'Electroménager (ENIEM)

Address: Boulevard stiti Ali, Bp 71 chikhi,
Tel: 02620.02.15 /
Date signed: 24/12/2018
Duration of agreement: 03 years renewable by tacit agreement)

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CISCO Systems

Memorandum of understanding between the Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou and the American giant CISCO Systems, the aim of which is to set up a CISCO Networking Academy at UMMTO and provide students with top-quality training and recognized certification in the fields of information technology.

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Address: Bp51, zone industrielle de Rouiba, Route nationale N°5, Alger
Tel: 023924478
Date signed: 20/12/2017
Duration of agreement: 20/12/2017 to 20/12/2019 (renewable by tacit agreement)

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Net Station joint-stock company

Address: Cité 5 juillet, Bt A, Cage 3, second floor, Tizi-Ouzou.
Duration of agreement: 03 years, renewable from April 26, 2022.

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SARL Fluidex Equipements & Services

Address: Lotissement Benadjal, Boudouaou, Boumerdes.
Duration of agreement: 03 years renewable, starting May 17, 2022.

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Address: 01, Sise rue Mokhtar Abdellatif-2ème étage, ALGER-CENTRE, Algerie
Date of signature: 26/01/2015
Duration of the agreement: 03 years renewable

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Address: 26, Rue Mohamed Iddir Amellal, El biar Alger.

Telephone: 021 79 16 10
Duration of agreement: 03 years, renewable by tacit agreement.

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Memorandum of understanding between the Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou and Huawei for the creation of a Huawei ICT Academy, the aim of which is to provide students with high-quality training and recognized certification in the fields of information technology.



Address: Immeuble BEKKAR BT D n°7 et 8, boulevard Krim Belkacem, Nouvelle ville, Tizi- ouzou, Algerie
Tel: 0555017066 /0770503252
Date of signature: 18/10/2018
Duration of the agreement: 03 years (renewable by tacit agreement)

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Société Nationale pour la Recherche, la Production, le Transport, la Transformation et la Commercialisation des Hydrocarbures (SONATRACH) (National Company for Research, Production, Transport, Processing and Marketing of Hydrocarbons)

Address: avenue du 1er novembre, Boumerdes.
Duration of agreement: 05 years from 12.10.2021 to 12.10.2026

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Entreprise de Réalisation des Ouvrages Electriques (EROE) (Electrical Works Company)

Address: Rue AIT MOULOUD Mohmed Oussalem, section N°128 Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria
Tel: 026195209 /00555009997
Date signed: 05/11/2018
Duration of agreement: 03 years (renewable by tacit agreement)

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Algerian pastures

Address: zone des dépôts lot n°12 Tizi -Ouzou, Algeria
Tel: 0555008517
Date signed: 03/10/2018
Duration of agreement: 03/10/2018 to 03/10/2021
(renewable by tacit agreement)

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Address: flikki azazga Tizi Ouzou
Tel: 0560.63.14.39
Signature date: 07.03.2019
Duration of agreement: 03 years from 07/03/2019 to 30/11/2022

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Address: Lot N 01, route de Fouka, Koléa.Tipaza

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Green Energy Cluster Algeria (GEC Algeria )

Signature date February 01, 2023

Agreement duration 03 years

Entreprise Régionale de Génie Rural Djurdjura

Address: 01 rue BERKANI Arezki, Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria.

Signature date: May 22, 2023

Duration of the agreement: 03 years 

Download the : the agreement

EURL Pharmalliance

Framework partnership agreement between Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou and EURL Pharmalliance.

Signature date: May 15, 2023

Duration of agreement: 3 years

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La start-up KHELIHA 3LINA

Siege social : Local N23 RDC 1er Novemebre bât 1 Tizi-Ouzou, Algerie 15000

Date de signature : 06 Février 2024

Durée de la convention : 03 ans

Télécharger La Convention KHELIHA 3LINA


Les laboratoires El Kendi

Convention cadre de partenariat avec les laboratoires El Kendi spécialisé dans la fabrication de produits pharmaceutiques. 

Adresse : N° 19 zone d’activités El Boustane, commune de Rahmania 16 121, Alger, Algérie 

Date de signature : 07 Mars 2024

Durée : 3 ans (renouvelable par tacite reconduction)

Download the agreement (PDF)


Entreprise EPE/Electro-Industries-Azazga/SPA, sise route national  N°12 BP17, 15300 Azazga

Date de signature : 05 Mars 2024

Durée de a convention : 05 ans (Renouvelable par tacite reconduction)

Télécharger la Convention (PDF)


Accord de partenariat entre l’université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou et la SARL NAMLATIC, plateform de réservation d’hôtel en ligne dont le siège socoal est sis à 12 rue des cèdres, El-Mouradia.

Dte de signature: 19 juin 2024

Durée: 05 sns (renouvelable par tacite reconduction)

Télécharger la convention avec SARL Namlatic(PDF)