Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Research Laboratory

Tizi-Ouzou's Mouloud MAMMERI University currently has 32 research laboratories accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.  

In accordance with Executive Decree no. 19-231 of 12 Dhou El Hidja 1440 corresponding to August 13, 2019, setting the terms and conditions for the creation, organization and operation of research laboratories.

  • Carry out studies and research related to its purpose.
  • Contribute to the elaboration of national research programs related to its field, to the improvement and development of techniques and processes, as well as goods and services, and to training through and for research.
  • Conclude contracts and agreements directly using its own resources.
How it works

The research laboratory has its own management autonomy, and is subject to ex post financial control. It is headed by a director with authorizing status, responsible for the scientific direction and financial management of the laboratory, which has its own council. The Laboratory Council is responsible for

  • Evaluate research activities.
  • To approve the balance sheet for research and management activities.
  • To adopt the provisional statements of income and expenditure. University Research Project ( C.N.P.R.U ) :
  • The research project must be created as part of the implementation of the research program approved by the national commission for the evaluation of university research projects.
  • the research project drawn up by the research team within the framework of the agreed program is submitted for approval to the supervisory ministry and the national evaluation commission, which verify its conformity with the objectives of the national research plan.
  • The research team must comprise a minimum of 3 members, including the project leader, with no maximum.
  • The duration of the project is three years, with the possibility of a one-year extension.
  • During the 2nd year of the current project, the project leader may submit a new project in addition to the annual report.
    In exceptional cases, with due justification, senior lecturers may lead two projects, but they may not be both project leader and member of another project,
  • The most senior teacher must lead the project,
  • A lecturer may lead a project under one of the following conditions:
  • Hold a doctorate b. Have already led a research project c.
  • Working in a school where there is no senior teacher in the field,
  • Lecturers and assistants may submit only one research project,
  • The research team must include researchers in training: doctoral students and master's students (enrolled in the 2nd year of their master's program).
  • New researchers are integrated during the regular session.
  • The complementary session evaluates projects that have received an unfavorable opinion for: Reformulation, Non-submission of supporting documents, Change of project leader, Expansion of the team.
Conditions for the Creation, Organization and Operation of Research Laboratories

Tizi-Ouzou's Mouloud MAMMERI University currently has 32 research laboratories accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.  

In accordance with Executive Decree n°19-231 of 12 Dhou El Hidja 1440 corresponding to August 13, 2019 setting the terms and conditions for the creation, organization and operation of research laboratories. (Document to download).

Conditions for the admissibility of proposals for the creation of new research entities

  • Proposal form for the creation of a research laboratory, duly completed and stamped. (Download the form).

2- Explanatory memorandum signed by the head of the school in question, outlining the need to create a laboratory as part of the school's research and training project.

3- Extract from the minutes of the scientific council of the parent institution examining and adopting the proposal to create the research entity;

4- Certificate of allocation of premises suitable for the research activities involved in the project to be carried out in the entity, under optimum conditions (specify exact surface area), signed by the Head of School ;


5- Minutes of the board of the entity made up of the team leaders involved in the project (the team leader must have the rank of Prof. or MCA);

6- Workload plan for future scientific activities, adopted by the board of the entity of team leaders involved in the project for the years 2021-2022-2023, particularly in terms of scientific production and training;

7- Curriculum vitae of all researchers involved in the project to create the entity, signed ;

8- Certificate of employment, signed by the head of the employing organization ;

9- Copy of the decree of appointment to the highest grade for research professors;

10- For new research units, the DGRSDT has programmed only units attached to research centers.

11- The proposed research laboratory deals with research areas not covered by the establishment. It is made up of at least four (04) research teams, with a team leader (Prof or MCA) and at least two (02) other researchers per team. The core group of twelve (12) researchers must belong to the institution to which the future laboratory is attached;

12-Proposals to create research laboratories are admissible only in fields where there is a flagrant lack of research entities.

Nb : The minutes of the school's scientific advisory board may be submitted after the submission deadline, provided that the head of the school affixes his opinion and visa.


Research Laboratory Budgets
  • Research budget request form by objectives for approved research laboratories (download form).
  • Application form for funding of doctoral thesis projects. (Download the application form).

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