Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou


Vice rectorate in charge of external relations and scientific events

Short-term training abroad (06 months or less)


Short-term training or further training abroad is organized for a period of up to 06 months.

The beneficiary of an advanced training course abroad is entitled to have the costs covered by the administration or establishment concerned before his or her departure:

  • A foreign currency convertible allowance, the amount of which is set by joint order of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Higher Education and the civil service authority.
  • Transportation costs to and from the host country, by the most economical route

Types of short-term training abroad

1. Short-term advanced training course (SP)

This training plan represents 45% of the budget allocated to short-term training. It is dedicated to :

    1. Research professors, university hospital research professors, permanent researchers registered and preparing their doctoral thesis, from the2nd registration onwards,
    2. Non-salaried doctoral students preparing their doctoral thesis, as well as residents in medical sciences (DEMS), in training from the2nd registration,
    3. Administrative and technical staff of the central administration of the MESRS and the institutions under its supervision who hold at least a university degree and whose category is higher than or equal to scale 10.

File to be provided :

  • Regular registration, starting in the second year of doctoral studies, for teacher-researchers, non-salaried doctoral students and medical science residents (DEMS),
  • Attestation of employment, tenure decree for teachers,
  • Application approved by the Dean of Faculty (Download SP form).
  • Information sheet
  • Exhaustive work project meeting the scientific and thematic requirements defined in article 2 of order no. 1349 of 04/10/2022, validated by the scientific council of the original establishment, and defining the objectives, methodology and expected impacts,
  • For non-salaried students, a letter of acceptance from an academic or research institution with a high scientific and technological capacity.
  • For administrative and technical staff: certificate of employment, tenure decree,
  • University degree,
  • An exhaustive work project meeting scientific and thematic requirements, validated by the scientific council of the home institution, and defining the objectives, methodology and expected impacts,
  • Specify the host establishment.

On the way back 


  • Internship report endorsed by the host establishment, defining objectives, methodology and expected impacts, date and place of internship, people met;
  • Decision of internship approved by the border police (PAF) in both directions.

2. High-level scientific stay (SSHN)

This type of internship is for Professors, University Hospital Professors, Research Directors, Lecturers class "A", University Hospital Lecturers class "A", Research Professors class "A", Research Professors class "B", University Hospital Lecturers class "B", Research Professors class "B".

 File to be provided:

  • Work project validated by the Scientific Advisory Board, defining the host establishment, objectives, methodology and expected impact. (Download the SSHN form)
  • Internship application ;
  • Registration form.

On the way back 


  • Report on the visit, signed by the person concerned, defining the objectives, methodology and expected impacts, date and place of visit, people met;
  • Decision of internship approved by the border police (PAF) in both directions.

3. Participation in a scientific event (PMS)

This type of internship concerns Professors, Teaching Researchers, University Hospital Professors, Permanent Researchers preparing a doctoral thesis, Research Directors, "A" class Lecturers, University Hospital Teaching Researchers, "A" class University Hospital Lecturers, "A" class Research Masters, Maitres de Conférences class "B" preparing a habilitation, Maitres de Conférences hospitalo universitaire class "B" preparing a habilitation, Maitres de Recherche class "B", residents in medical sciences as of the2nd year, Doctorants Non Salariés preparing a doctoral thesis as of the2nd year.

 File to provide

  • Regular registration in a doctoral program from the second registration ;
  • Application for participation approved by the thesis supervisor and validated by the scientific board of the home institution (Download)
  • Acceptance;
  • Scientific Event Program ;
  • Copy of communication ;

NB: In exceptional cases, University Hospital research professors may take part in scientific events without communicating.

On the way back

to file:

  • Participation report signed by the person concerned, defining objectives and expected impacts, date and place of stay, people met;
  • Acknowledgement of participation ;
  • Decision of internship approved by the border police (PAF) in both directions.

Regulatory texts

    • Presidential decree no. 14-196 of 08 Ramadhan 1435 corresponding to July 06 on the organization and management of training and further training abroad.
    •  Interministerial decree of May 17, 2004 determining the amount of the convertible allowance for training and further training abroad of six months or less.
    •  Interministerial order of December 25, 2011 amending the interministerial order of May 17, 2004.
    • Ministerial decree no. 1349 of October 04, 2022 on further training abroad.
    • Ministerial order no. 327 of July 09, 2015 amending ministerial order no. 2010 of December 29, 2014.
    • Ministerial Instruction No. 01 of April 05, 2017, on further training abroad.

News/ Information