Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

DIGIday UMMTO 2022

A look back at the first edition of DIGIday

The Systems and Networks Centre at the service of digitization

University computer networks, distance learning, professional messaging, websites, Android applications, Huawei ICT Academy, etc. The Centre des Systèmes et Réseaux is working towards e-administration at the University of Tizi-Ouzou. 

Introducing the Centre...

Networks section

Responsible for installation, extension and maintenance projects for all UMMTO computer networks.

Systems section

Handles web and application development, websites, hosting and platform security.

E-Learning section

Deploys, maintains and registers the UMMTO distance learning platform.

Digital is the future ...



In a university as large as UMMTO, communication is very important. That's why we've built a whole network around our website. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube - we're present on every social network, and now on Google Play Store with our Android app! 

... The future is Now!

Let's take up the challenge of digitizing the university. Today it's the Android application, E-Learning, Webnote, Professional Messaging,....

Tomorrow it will be e-administration

The Systems and Networks Center at the service of UMMTO digitization

Our services...

Messaging Pro

Communication at UMMTO is always via professional e-mail.

Distance learning

We have an E-Learning platform to maintain student-teacher contact

Computer rooms

The Systems and Networks Centre has two computer rooms at your disposal


You can book a videoconferencing room in the Systems and Networks Centre

Huawei ICT Academy

Join our ICT Academy for training and Huawei certifications

CISCO Netacad

Take advantage of the recognized training and certification offered by our CISCO Networking Academy.

Join us on Android

Go to Google Play Store and download our Android application by typing "UMMTO".