Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou


Vice rectorate in charge of external relations and scientific events

Introducing the Maison de l'Entrepreneuriat

The entrepreneurship house at Mouloud MAMMERI Tizi-Ouzou University is a structure and tool for developing entrepreneurial culture in the university environment, created in 2017 in collaboration with ANADE (formerly ANSEJ).

It is attached to the Vice-Rectorate in charge of external relations.

Objectives :

The objectives of the Maison de l'Entrepreneuriat are :

    • Make students aware of and prepare them for entrepreneurial activity and
    • Working life in general
    • Provide information on support schemes for innovative companies and start-ups.
    • Provide reception, consulting and advisory services to help students with projects.
    • Promote exchanges with key players in the environment: tax authorities, banks, public administrations, local authorities, etc.

Actions :

    • Information and awareness days.
    •  Entrepreneurship training sessions: TRIE, CREE, Business model canvas...
    •  Seminars and study days on entrepreneurship

Thematic roundtables:

    • Best Idea Competition
    • Best business plan competition
    • summer school.