Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Procedure for submitting an application to organize a scientific event

In order to successfully organize a scientific event, all applications must comply with a procedure that respects a certain number of rules and conditions. The application must include the following documents:

    • A technical and financial form (fill-in form available from the verelex scientific events department)
    • La problématique de l’activité scientifique ;
    • Call for papers;
    • La liste des membres du comité scientifique du séminaire, colloque ou journée d’études ;
    • La liste des membres du comité d’organisation du séminaire, colloque ou journée d’études ;
    • Le programme de l’activité (séminaire, colloque ou journée d’études) détaillant les noms des intervenants, dates et heures des communications ;
    • Minutes of the faculty's scientific advisory board approving

In order to improve the visibility of scientific events and their degree of scientific impact in the university rankings, CSF must ensure that the following criteria, among others, are met:

    • Grouping of symposia and/or seminars with identical themes into a single activity with a single scientific and organizing committee.
    • Only one event per field is authorized at each faculty or institute.
    • Pre-event presentation of proceedings in digital and paper format.
    • The scientific committee requires the paper in its entirety before selecting speakers.
    • Conference organizers need to find external funding (sponsor).
    • Any scientific activity of international scope must be authorized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research;
    • A call for papers must be issued six months in advance of any national or local scientific event;
    • The list of foreign speakers must be submitted one week before the event;
    • Any international symposium must respect a respectable quota of foreign participants;
    • The rectorate does not sponsor any research laboratory events;
    • The university does not provide air tickets for external and foreign communicators;