Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

General Secretariat

Under the authority of the Rector, the General Secretary is responsible for the administrative management of the university, and ensures compliance with administrative rules. Indeed :

Phone:213(0)26 11 29 49

The general secretariat also includes

The Budget and Accounting Sub-Directorate is responsible for:
  • Prepare the university budget on the basis of proposals from the deans of faculties.
  • Monitor the execution of the university's budget.
  • Prepare credit delegations to deans of faculties and monitor their execution.
  • Monitor the funding of research activities carried out by research laboratories.
  • Maintain the facility's accounting records.
The Resources and Maintenance Department is responsible for :
  • Provide operating resources for rectorate structures and common services.
  • Ensure the upkeep and maintenance of the rectorate's movable and immovable property and common services.
  • Keep inventory records.
  • Preserve and maintain the university's archives.
  • Manage the rectorat's vehicle fleet.
The Sub-Directorate of Scientific, Cultural and Sports Activities is responsible for :
  • Promote and develop scientific and cultural activities within the university.
  • Implement leisure activities.
  • Support university sports activities.
  • Carry out social action activities for university staff.
The Personnel and Training Department is responsible for
  • Manage the careers of staff reporting to the rectorate and common services, and those appointed by the university rector.
  • Draw up and implement training, further training and retraining plans for administrative, technical and service staff.
  • Manage the university's staffing levels and ensure their harmonious distribution between faculties.
  • Coordinate the development and implementation of the university's human resources management plans.
  • The Personnel and Training Sub-Directorate comprises
  • The teaching staff service.
  • Administrative, technical and service staff.
  • Training and development department.

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