Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

General Secretariat

Under the authority of the Rector, the General Secretary is responsible for the administrative management of the university, and ensures compliance with administrative rules. Indeed :

Phone:213(0)26 11 29 49

The general secretariat also includes

The Budget and Accounting Sub-Directorate is responsible for:
  • Prepare the university budget on the basis of proposals from the deans of faculties.
  • Monitor the execution of the university's budget.
  • Prepare credit delegations to deans of faculties and monitor their execution.
  • Monitor the funding of research activities carried out by research laboratories.
  • Maintain the facility's accounting records.
The Resources and Maintenance Department is responsible for :
  • Provide operating resources for rectorate structures and common services.
  • Ensure the upkeep and maintenance of the rectorate's movable and immovable property and common services.
  • Keep inventory records.
  • Preserve and maintain the university's archives.
  • Manage the rectorat's vehicle fleet.
The Sub-Directorate of Scientific, Cultural and Sports Activities is responsible for :
  • Promote and develop scientific and cultural activities within the university.
  • Implement leisure activities.
  • Support university sports activities.
  • Carry out social action activities for university staff.
The Personnel and Training Department is responsible for
  • Manage the careers of staff reporting to the rectorate and common services, and those appointed by the university rector.
  • Draw up and implement training, further training and retraining plans for administrative, technical and service staff.
  • Manage the university's staffing levels and ensure their harmonious distribution between faculties.
  • Coordinate the development and implementation of the university's human resources management plans.
  • The Personnel and Training Sub-Directorate comprises
  • The teaching staff service.
  • Administrative, technical and service staff.
  • Training and development department.

Avis de décès: Condoléances à Monsieur la Wali

C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de la femme de Monsieur Djilali DOUMI, Wali de Tizi-Ouzou. En ces circonstances difficiles, Monsieur le Recteur de l'Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou, Pr. Ahmed BOUDA, présente en son nom personnel...

INVITATION: 1st International Teaching Week at Powiślański University, Poland

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Avis de consultation n°14/FM/UMMTO/2024

The Faculty of Medicine at the Université Mouloud MAMMERI in Tizi-Ouzou is launching a call for tenders for the maintenance and repair of buildings for administrative and teaching use by the Faculty of Medicine, as part of the operating budget for the year...

Avis de consultation n°11bis/FSECSG/UMMTO/2024

La Faculté des Sciences Economiques, Commerciales et des Sciences de gestion de l’université Mouloud MAMMERI de Tizi-Ouzou relance la consultation portant « Frais de gestion liés à la recherche scientifique et au développent technologique», dans le cadre de budget de...

Avis d’infructuosité n°11/FSECSG/UMMTO/2024

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Avis de consultation n°09/FSBSA/UMMTO/2024

Télécharger l'avis de consultation n°09/FSBSA/UMMTO/2024

Avis de consultation n°08/FSBSA/UMMTO/2024

Télécharger l'avis de consultation n°08/FSBSA/UMMTO/2024

Résultats provisoires du recrutement des Maitres-Assistants classe B

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Avis de consultation n°15/FGEI/UMMTO/2024

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