Introduction to international co-supervision of doctoral dissertations
PhD cotutelle is an arrangement that encourages the mobility of doctoral students and fosters scientific cooperation between research teams in two partner countries. Cotutelle students work under the supervision of a thesis director in each of the two countries concerned. Both thesis supervisors agree to act as full tutors for the doctoral student, so their skills are exercised jointly. The doctoral student must carry out his or her research in both cotutelle countries, in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in an agreement. The 2016 decree introduces greater flexibility in the definition of these terms, allowing the general framework to be adapted to each student by mutual agreement between the institutions on the conditions for the successful completion of the thesis.
Regulatory texts
File to provide
- Cotutelle registration form for the grant.
- Five (5) original copies of the cotutelle agreement. (Each university has its own model, which can be downloaded or requested from the partner university chosen by the doctoral student.)
- Certificate of registration for a doctorate in Algeria.
- A work plan. (signed by both thesis supervisors).
- Two (02) updated Curricula Vitae of the two thesis supervisors: Algerian and foreign.
- Minutes of the faculty's scientific council.
- Copy of the existing framework partnership agreement between the two establishments.
- Certificate of scholarship.