Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Call for applications - External evaluator for the ESAGOV project

Oct 13, 2021 | ESAGOV, CBHE Project

Call for applications - External evaluator for the ESAGOV project

 ESAGOV is an international cooperation project co-financed by the European Commission within the framework of capacity building in higher education, key action N.2 of the Erasmus+ program (Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education). The project will run for 3 years from January 15, 2019.

The aim of the external evaluation is to assess the progress and success of the various WP activities in relation to the project indicators, and to propose actions to improve the overall effectiveness of the results. The evaluator/expert will analyze and interpret the project data in order to identify the achievement of results and weak points, document in reports the status of the project and formulate recommendations.

  • Mission start date: as soon as possible
  • End date: January 14, 2022 or at the end of the project (in the case of a project extension).
  • Deadline for receipt of applications is March 3, 2020

More information....

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