Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Avis d'Appel d'Offres National Ouvert avec exigence de capacités minimales N°05/VRDPO/UMMTO/2022

June 30, 2022 | AO VRDPO, Calls for tender

The Université Mouloud Mammeri-Tizi-Ouzou is launching a national open call for tenders with minimum capacity requirements for the "Realization of the Internet and Intranet network of the Tamda Campus of the Université Mouloud Mammeri Tizi-Ouzou";

Lot 01: Creation of the Ethernet network within the blocks of the two campuses Tamda 1 and Tamda 2.

Lot 02: Construction of the reception infrastructure, installation and connection of fiber optics between all the blocks on the Tamda 1 and Tamda 2 campuses.

Interested candidates can obtain the specifications, in digital format, from the Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou, at the Vice Rectorat du Développement, de la Prospective et de l'Orientation, located on the 5th floor of the Tour Rectorale at HASNAOUA I. Tel-Fax: 026 11 29 47.

Eligibility requirements are :

Technical skills: to have completed at least one (01) project similar to the subject of the specifications (supported by a certificate of successful completion issued by public contracting authorities).

Financial capacity :

For lot 01: -Having at least an average turnover over the last 05 years greater than or equal to 70 million dinars. The turnover will be justified by the balance sheets of the last five (05) years (2017, 2018, 2019,2020 and 2021) approved by the financial organization in this case the taxes.

For lot 02: -Having at least average sales over the last 05 years of at least 15 million dinars. The turnover will be justified by the balance sheets of the last five (05) years (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021) approved by the financial organization in this case the taxes.

Contents of tender documents:
01.The application file contains:
- Declaration of candidacy;
- Declaration of probity;
- Articles of association for companies;
- Copy of the electronic trade register conforming to the field of the present specifications duly authenticated by the CNRC services;
- Documents relating to the powers empowering the persons to bind the company;
- Financial means justified by the balance sheets of the last five (05) years;
- The company's professional references, duly justified by certificates of good performance endorsed by the various public contracting authorities;
- List of human resources;
- List of material resources;
- Excerpt from the audited accounts or with a valid payment schedule;
- Valid CNAS, CASNOS certificates of up-to-dateness.

02.The technical offer contains :
- Declaration to be subscribed;
- The present specifications bearing on its last page the handwritten mention "Read and accepted";
- The site visit report signed, dated and sealed by the bidder and the project owner;
- A supporting technical brief including the following documents;
- Nominative list of human resources, supported by valid diplomas and affiliations, and work certificates justifying the experience of the technical management (engineer and senior technician);
- List of material resources, supported by documents requested in the specifications;
- Completion deadlines;
- Equipment warranty;
- After-sales service;
- Detailed work schedule.

03 The financial offer contains:
- Tender letter;
- Unit price schedule;
- Quantities and estimates.

Tenders should be submitted to the following address: Université Mouloud Mammeri-Tizi-Ouzou, vice rectorat du développement, de la prospective et de l'orientation; 5eme étage, Tour Rectorale. Tenderers must submit their bids in a sealed main envelope bearing no external inscriptions other than the number and subject of the invitation to tender, the name and address of the contracting authority and the words "To be opened only by the bid opening and evaluation committee" NATIONAL OPEN TENDERING PROCEDURE WITH MINIMUM CAPACITY REQUIREMENT N°05/VRDPO/UMMTO/2Û22 "Realization of the Internet and Intranet network of the Tamda Campus of the Mouloud Mammeri Tizi-Ouzou University." Lot N° : This main envelope will contain three other sealed envelopes :One envelope containing all the documents of the application file marked " DOSSIER DE CANDIDATURE " ; one envelope containing all the documents of the technical offer marked " OFFRE TECHNIQUE " ; one envelope containing all the documents of the financial offer marked " OFFRE FINANCIERE ". Each sealed envelope must be identified as such. The tender preparation period is twenty (20) days from the date of first publication of the national tender notice in the national daily newspapers or BOMOP.

Bids must be submitted by 10.30 a.m. on the last day of the bid preparation period, which coincides with the bid opening date.

If the twentieth day coincides with a public holiday or legal rest day, the bid preparation period is extended to the next working day.

Tenders will be opened in a public session, which the bidders concerned are invited to attend, on the last day for submission of tenders at 11.00 a.m., at the headquarters of the Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou, in the meeting room, Tour Rectorale, HASNAOUA I, 6th floor.

The validity period of bidders' offers is equal to the offer preparation period plus 03 months from the date of opening of bids.

Tenderers wishing to receive the specifications by email, can send us a request (stamped) with the tender references to the following address:

Download theInvitation to tender