Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Notice of consultation N°04 /SDMM/SG/RECTORAT /UMMTO/2021

10 Mai 2021 | AO SDMM, Appels d'Offres

Université Mouloud MAMMERI Tizi-Ouzou launches a call for tenders: " Acquisition d'article et de Consommable Informatique" au profit de l'Université Mouloud MAMMERI

Tizi-Ouzou, as part of the 2021 operating budget,

Allocation : chapter 21-21, article 02

It is structured in a single (01) lot as follows:

Single lot: Purchase of articles and consumables consumables

The present consultation will be publicly posted and published on the website of the Université Mouloud MAMMERI de Tizi-Ouzou.

Interested bidders specializing in this field are invited to obtain the specifications from the Sous-Direction des moyens et de la maintenance of the Université Mouloud Mammeri Tizi Ouzou.

Tenders must include a technical offer, a financial offer and an application file. Each offer is inserted in a closed and sealed envelope, indicating the reference and subject of the consultation as well as the words "technical", "financial" or "application", as appropriate. The three envelopes are placed in another anonymous envelope, marked :


Rector of Mouloud Mammeri University

Consultation N° 04 / UMMTO/Rectorat/2021

" Acquisition of computer supplies and consumables

for the University Mouloud MAMMERI Tizi-Ouzou".

A period of Ten (10) days is granted to bidders to prepare and submit their bids to the general secretariat from 09/05/2021.

The deadline for submission of bids is 18/05/2021 à 10:00 am.

If this date coincides with a public holiday or legal day of rest (Friday or Saturday), the bid preparation period is extended to the next working day.

The bids will be opened on the same day as the deposit deadline at 10:30 a.m. in the meeting room of the auditorium of the Université Mouloud Mammeri Tizi Ouzou.

Bidders may attend the bid opening session if they wish.

For more information, click on the following link: Document

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