Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Avis de consultation N° 09 /VRDPO/UMMTO/2022   

12 Oct 2022 | AO VRDPO, Tenders

The University launches an open invitation to tender with minimum capacity requirements for "Rehabilitation works at the Auditorium of the University of TIZI-OUZOU ".

Lot No. 01: General Works.

Lot N° 02 : Renovation of central air conditioning.

Candidates interested in this invitation to tender may obtain the specifications in digital format, from the Vice Rectorat du Développement, de la Prospective et de l'Orientation, located on the 5th floor of the Tour Rectorale at HASNAOUA I. Tel-Fax: 026 11 29 47.

NB: Candidates interested in this notice may send a request to this e-mail address in order to obtain the specifications.

Eligibility requirements are :

Professional capabilitiesLot N°01:The company must have a certificate of qualification and professional classification in building, category two (II) and above, in building, having as its principal activity, building works (TCE) (to be justified with the valid electronic trade register, if applicable); Lot N°02:The company must have a valid electronic trade register in refrigeration and air conditioning, if applicable.

Technical capabilities Lot N°01:The company must have carried out at least (01 ) rehabilitation project, (justified by certificates of good execution issued by the public contracting authorities);Lot N°02:The company must have carried out at least (01) central air conditioning installation project, (justified by certificates of good execution issued by the public contracting authorities).

Financial capacity:Lot N°01:Having a cumulative turnover of the 03 best balance sheets among the last five (5) years, at 20 million dinars . The turnover will be justified by the balance sheets of the last five (05) years (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021) approved by a financial organization in this case the taxes;Lot N°02:Having cumulated turnover of the 03 best balance sheets among the last five (5) years to 2 million dinars . The turnover will be justified by the balance sheets of the last five (05) years (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021) approved by a financial organization in this case taxes.

N.B.: Receipts for certificates of qualification and professional classification will not be taken into account.

Contents of tender documents :

The application file contains : Declaration of candidacy duly completed, signed, sealed and dated; Declaration of probity duly completed, signed, sealed and dated ;Articles of association for companies; Documents relating to the powers empowering persons to bind the company;Financial means justified by balance sheets for the last five (05) years (2017-2018-2019-2020-2021);Valid certificate of qualification and professional classification of category II and above, having as main activity, building works (TCE) (to be justified with the valid trade register) for Lot N°01;Valid trade register, in refrigeration and air conditioning for Lot N°02;List of human resources; List of material resources;The company's professional references (certificates of good execution issued by public contracting authorities).

The technical offer contains: A duly completed, signed, sealed and dateddeclaration to be subscribed ;A supporting technical brief including the following documents:Human resources supported by valid CNAS declarations, as well as diplomas and affiliations for technical staff;Material resources supported by vehicle registration documents and a copy of the insurance contract for rolling stock, for fixed equipment supported by a bailiff's report, a car surveyor's report or any other person authorized to take stock of the equipment, purchase invoices (for equipment purchased after the bailiff's report has been drawn up) or a notarized rental contract covering the duration of the work; Detailed work schedule for lots N°1 and 2; These specifications, duly completed, initialled, signed and dated, with the handwritten note "Read and accepted" on the last page; Site visit report, signed, dated and sealed, accompanied by a photographic report of the project to be rehabilitated; Valid trade register, duly authenticated by the CNRC services; Valid excerpt from the audited accounts or with a schedule of payments; Valid certificates of updating: CNAS, CASNOS, CACOBATPH); Tax identification number (copy); Certificate of legal filing of company accounts (SARL, EURL, SPA, SNC).

The financial offer contains Letter of tender duly completed in full, signed, sealed and dated; Unit price schedule duly completed, signed, sealed and dated ; Quantities and estimates duly completed, signed, sealed and dated.

Tenders should be submitted to the following address Université Mouloud Mammeri-Tizi-Ouzou, Vice Rectorat chargé du développement, de la prospective et de l'orientation; 5th floor, Tour Rectorale.

Tenderers shall submit their bids in a sealed main envelope bearing no external inscriptions other than the number, the subject of the invitation to tender, the name and address of the contracting authority and the words: "To be opened only by the bid opening and evaluation committee. To be opened only by the bid opening and evaluation committee". " APPEL D'OFFRES NATIONAL OUVERT AVEC EXIGENCE DE CAPACITES MINIMALESN°09/VRDPO/UMMTO /2022 " Travaux de réhabilitation de l'Auditorium de l'Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou " Lot N°......

This main envelope will contain three other sealed envelopes: One envelope containing all the application documents, marked "APPLICATION DOSSIER" ; another containing all the technical offer documents, marked "TECHNICAL OFFER" ; a third containing all the financial offer documents, marked "FINANCIAL OFFER". Each sealed envelope must be identified as such.

The tender preparation period is set at (21) days from the date of first publication of the national invitation to tender in national daily newspapers or BOMOP.

Tenders must be submitted on the last day of the preparation period which coincides with the bid opening date, before 10:30 a.m. at the Vice Rectorat chargé du Développement de la Prospective et de l'Orientation, 5ème étage de la Tour Rectorale sis à HASNAOUA I, de l'UMMTO. If the twenty-first day coincides with a public holiday or legal rest day, the bid preparation period is extended to the next working day.

The bids will be opened in a public session, where the bidders concerned are invited to attend, on the last day of the preparation period at 11:00 a.m, at UMMTO headquarters, meeting room, Tour Rectorale, HASNAOUA I, 6th floor.

The validity period of bidders' offers is equal to the offer preparation period plus 03 months from the date of opening of bids.

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