Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Notice of consultation N° 11/FGC/UMMTO/2023

May 22, 2023 | AO FGC, Tenders

The Faculty of Construction Engineering at the Université Mouloud MAMMERI in Tizi-Ouzou is launching a tender for the supply of air tickets for training and further training abroad under the 2023 operating budget, Chapters 22-19 items 1, 2 and 3.  

The specifications are structured in three (03) lots, namely :

Lot n°01: supply of air tickets for upgrading.

Lot n°02: supply of air tickets for high-level scientific trips.

Lot n°03: supply of air tickets for participation in scientific events.

Suppliers interested in the present consultation are invited to obtain the specifications from the general secretariat, office B40 of the Faculty of Construction Engineering of the Mouloud MAMMERI University of Tizi-Ouzou, located at HASNAOUA II. This consultation notice will be published on the UMMTO website and posted in public.

 Tenders must be submitted to the general secretariat of the Faculty of Construction Engineering in a single anonymous sealed envelope marked " To be opened only by the tender opening and evaluation committee, Consultation n°11 /FGC/UMMTO/2023 concerning the supply of air tickets for training and further training abroad".

The file must include the following documents:

A/ Application form:

     - A completed, signed, dated and sealed declaration of candidacy;

     - Declaration of probity duly completed, signed, dated and sealed.

     - Copy of trade register,

    - Copy of company bylaws.

    - Copy of company approval.

     - Copy of tax identification.

     - Power of attorney documents.

     - Attestation de dépôt légal des comptes sociaux pour les sociétés commerciales dotées de personnalité morale de droit algérien. 

     - Bank account number and address.

    - Justification for sales representation in Tizi-Ouzou.

    - Criminal record valid at the time of the bidder's or director's submission.

    - Excerpt from a tax roll or schedule valid on the date of the bid by the bidder or the director. 

   - Tables of TCR income statements for the last three years, certified by the tax authorities.

    - CNAS update certificate and CASNOS update certificate.

    - Copies of evidence of satisfactory performance of similar services over the past three years.   

B/ Technical offer:

  • Specifications completed, signed, quoted and initialed.
  • Declaration to be completed, signed, dated and sealed.

C/ Financial offer :

       - Letter of tender duly completed, signed, dated and sealed.

        - Quotations and estimates signed, dated and sealed.

        - Unit price schedule signed, dated and sealed.

Tenderers have eight (08) days to prepare and submit their bids from 22/05/2023.

 The deadline for submission of bids is set for 29/05/2023 at 10.H 30 mn. Tenders will be opened, in the presence of bidders who wish to attend, on the same day as the deadline for submission of tenders, 29/05/2023 at 11 a.m. at the office of the General Secretariat of the Faculty of Construction Engineering of the Mouloud MAMMERI University of Tizi-Ouzou.

 The bid validity period is equal to the bid preparation period plus three (03) months from the bid opening date.

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