Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Notice of consultation n°04/FM/UMMTO/2024

11 Jan 2024 | AO FM, Tenders

Notice of consultation n°04/SG/FM/UMMTO/2024
Chapter 22-11, article 08

The University Mouloud MAMMERI of Tizi-Ouzou a consultation concerning "accommodation and catering services" for the University Mouloud MAMMERI of Tizi-Ouzou,
Expenses relating to university cooperation, including transport, accommodation and catering for members of thesis defense juries and visiting lecturers.

The Faculty of Medicine at Mouloud MAMMERI University in Tizi-Ouzou is launching a tender for "accommodation and catering services", under the 2024 operating budget, chapter 22-11, article 08.
The specifications are divided into two (02) lots:
Lot n°01 : Accommodation.
Lot n°02 : Catering.

Notice of this consultation will be publicly posted and published on the website of the Université Mouloud MAMMERI de Tizi-Ouzou

All qualified bidders in this field are invited to submit bids.
Specifications can be obtained from the Service des Moyens et de la Maintenance of the Faculty of Medicine at the Université Mouloud MAMMERI in Tizi-Ouzou.

Tenders must include an application file, a technical offer and a financial offer. Each offer is inserted in a closed and sealed envelope, indicating the reference and subject of the consultation as well as the words "application", "technical" and "financial", as appropriate, the three envelopes are placed in another anonymous envelope, bearing the words "To be opened only by the bid opening and evaluation committee" and addressed to :

Monsieur le Doyen de la Faculté de Médecine
Consultation N°04/SG/FM/UMMTO/2024
Portant "prestation d'hébergement et restauration"
" To be opened only by the bid opening and evaluation committee".

Tenders must be submitted to the resources and maintenance department of the Faculty of Medicine
The technical file contains the following documents:

A/ Application file:
- Declaration of candidacy duly completed, signed, dated and sealed by the bidder.
- Declaration of probity duly completed, signed, dated and sealed by the bidder.
- Copy of electronic trade register.
- Copy of tax identification card.
- Bank account number and address.
- Original excerpt from the tax roll, audited or with schedule and dated less than one month before the date of submission.
- Certificate of current status issued by CASNOS and CNAS, Cacobath (originals).
- Criminal record dated less than three months before the date of submission.
- Approved financial statements for 2021, 2022 and 2023 and TCR.
- Certificate of good performance for 2021-2022-2023.

B/ Technical offer:
- Declaration to be subscribed duly completed, dated, signed and sealed by the bidder.
- Specifications duly completed, dated, signed and sealed by the bidder.

C/ Financial offer
- Tender letter duly completed, dated, signed and sealed by the bidder.
- Estimated and quantitative details duly completed, dated, signed and sealed by the bidder.
- Unit price schedule duly completed, dated, signed and sealed by the bidder.

A period of Eight (08) days is granted to bidders to prepare and submit their bids to the Service des moyens et de la maintenance de la Faculté de Médecine from 11/01/2024.

The deadline for submission of bids is 18/01/2024 at 13H00.

Tenders will be opened in the presence of bidders who wish to attend, on the same day as the deadline for submission of tenders, 18/01/2024 at 13H30mn in the meeting room of the Faculty of Medicine.

The bid validity period is equal to the bid preparation period plus three (03) months.