Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Notice of consultation n°04/SDACS/UMMTO/2022

21 Avr 2022 | AO SDACS, Appels d'Offres

The University Mouloud MAMMERI of Tizi-Ouzou launches a consultation for the "Acquisition of sporting goods for the students of the University Mouloud Mammeri of Tizi-Ouzou within the framework of scientific, cultural and sporting activities".

Chapter 21-27: article 02 sports activities

This specification is structured as a single lot:

Single lot: Purchase of sports equipment for students at the Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou as part of their sports activities.

Interested suppliers can obtain the specifications from the Université Mouloud MAMMERI de Tizi-Ouzou at the sous-direction des activités scientifiques, Culturelles et sportives, first floor next to the Département des sciences commerciales, Hasnaoua I.

Tenders, accompanied by the required documents, must be submitted in a sealed, anonymous envelope in the form of three separate files:

Application file:
- Copy of tax identification number (NIF);
- Copy of statistical identification number (NIS);
- Copy of trade register;
- Copy of excerpt from audited accounts or with schedule, dated less than one month prior to submission date;
- Copy of criminal record dated less than three months prior to submission date;
- Attestation de mise à jour délivrée par la CASNOS et CNAS ;
- Déclaration de probité dûment renseigné, signée, datée et cachetée ;
- Déclaration de candidature dûment renserée, signée, datée et cachetée ;
- Copie du statut de l'établissement
- Bilan financier des trois dernières années accompagnées des tableaux de compte de résultat (TCR). 

  • B - Technical Offer File:
    - Declaration to be duly completed, signed, dated and sealed;
    - Bank account number and address;
    - Certificates of satisfactory performance for the last three years;
  • Specifications signed and initialled.

C - Financial offer file :

  • Letter of tender duly completed, signed, dated and sealed
  • Unit price schedule signed, dated and sealed ;

Tenderers shall submit their bids in a sealed main envelope bearing no external inscriptions other than the following:

Université Mouloud Mammeri, Hasnaoua I, Tizi Ouzou.

Consultation N°04 /UMMTO/SDACS/2022

The purchase of sports equipment for students at the Mouloud Mammeri University in Tizi-Ouzou as part of scientific, cultural and sporting activities".

This main envelope will contain three sealed envelopes:
1. One envelope containing all the application documents, marked
2. One envelope containing all the technical bid documents, marked
3. The other containing all the financial bid documents, marked

Each sealed envelope must be identified as such.

The tender preparation period is set at fifteen (15) days from 21.04.2022.

The deadline for submission of tenders is 05.05.2022 at 10.30 a.m.

Tenders should be submitted to the Sub-Directorate for Scientific, Cultural and Sporting Activities, first floor next to the Department of Commercial Sciences, Hasnaoua I.

The bid opening is scheduled for 21/04/2022 at 11H00. Bidders are invited to attend.

The bid validity period is equal to the bid preparation period plus three (03) months from the bid opening date.

Download theNotice of consultation n°04/SDACS/UMMTO/2022

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