Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Notice of consultation n°05/UMMTO/VRELEX/InSIDE/2021

27 Dec 2021 | AO Rectorat, Tenders

Notice of consultation n°05/UMMTO/VRELEX/InSIDE/2021

The University Mouloud MAMMERI of Tizi-Ouzou is launching a consultation as part of the InSIDE project. The specifications are as follows: "Supply and installation of equipment for students with special needs".

Tax identification number: 0 989 1501 91130 33

The specifications are structured in a single batch:

Single lot: "Supply and installation of equipment for students with special needs".

The present consultation will be publicly posted and published on the website of the Université Mouloud MAMMERI de Tizi-Ouzou:

Tenders must be submitted to the Vice Rectorat Chargé des Relations Extérieures de la Coopération et des Echanges Interuniversitaires ,de l'Animation ,Communication et Manifestations Scientifiques, BP N°17 RP Hasnaoua I, 15 000 Tizi- Ouzou, in a single closed envelope marked "A ne pas ouvrir que par la commission d'ouverture des plis et d'évaluation des offres" and the title of the consultation.

Rector of the Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou

The file must include the following documents:

I. The application file contains:
1. Declaration of candidacy (completed, signed and sealed)
2. Declaration of probity (completed, signed and sealed);
3. Up-to-date, valid trade register. Please note that the trade register must specify the bidder's activities in line with the subject of the consultation, authenticated by the CNRC;
4. Documents relating to the powers of attorney of persons authorized to bind the company;
5. Attestation de mise à jour CNAS et CASNOS ;
6. Company status
7. Extract from the roll, which can be supplied updated or with a schedule.
8. Manager's criminal record.

II. A technical offer containing:
1. A declaration to be signed (completed, signed and sealed).
2. Description of equipment (completed, signed and sealed).
3. Delivery and installation schedule
4. Guarantee commitment, delivery times and after-sales service.
5. Specifications, signed and sealed, handwritten "read and accepted" on the last page.
6. Detailed technical documentation of the proposed materials in accordance with the equipment requested; prospectus and other technical specifications.

III. A financial offer containing:
1. Tender letter (completed, signed and sealed).
2. The unit price schedule (completed, signed and sealed).
3. Quantities and estimates (completed, signed and sealed).

Tender conditions
The present specifications apply to any individual or legal entity registered in the commercial register:
-With an activity code number authorizing the supply and installation of equipment for students with special needs.
-With the necessary resources to enable it to honor its commitments in accordance with the provisions of the present specifications.
-With commercial representation.
-With the capacity to cover all the services provided for in the specifications.

Tenderers have eleven (11) days to prepare and submit their bids to the Vice Rectorat Chargé des Relations Extérieures de la Coopération et des Echanges Interuniversitaires, de l'Animation ,Communication et Manifestations Scientifiques, BP N°17 RP Hasnaoua I, 15000 Tizi- Ouzou from 27/12/2021.

The deadline for submission of bids is 06 /01 /2022 at 10H30 at the Vice Rectorat Chargé des Relations Extérieures de la Coopération et des Echanges Interuniversitaires, de l'Animation, Communication et Manifestations Scientifiques, BP N°17 RP Hasnaoua I,
15 000 Tizi- Ouzou.

The bids will be opened on the same day as the deadline for submission, 06/01/2022 at 11:00 am in the meeting room of the rectorate of the Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou, (6th floor).
Bidders may attend the bid opening session if they wish.

Tenders are valid for a period equal to the tender preparation period plus three months from the date of tender opening.

Download theNotice of consultation n°05/UMMTO/VRELEX/inSIDE/2021

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