Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Notice of Consultation N°06/VRDPO/UMMTO/2019

10 Jul 2019 | AO VRDPO, Tenders

Notice of Consultation N°06/VRDPO/UMMTO/2019

[NIF : 408 020 000 150 039]
The University Mouloud MAMMERI of Tizi-Ouzou launches a consultation for
" Study and follow-up of the rehabilitation works of the Auditorium at the Campus
Hasnaoua I, of the University Mouloud MAMMERI_TIZI- OUZOU "
The consultation is open to architectural design offices, as well as approved engineering design offices meeting the eligibility conditions.
Interested firms can obtain the specifications from the Université Mouloud MAMMERI de Tizi-Ouzou at the Vice Rectorat chargé du Développement, de la Prospective et de l'Orientation, 5th floor, Tour rectorale, Hasnaoua I.
Tenders must be submitted to the Vice Rectorat chargé du développement de la Prospective et de l'orientation ,5th floor of the University's Tour rectorale at 10h30mn in a single, closed, anonymous envelope containing the technical offer and the financial offer, the contents of which are specified below, marked "SOUMISSION - A PAS OUVRIR " and the title of the consultation.
A period of fifteen (15) days is granted to tenderers to prepare their offers, starting from : 10.07.2019

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