Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Notice of Consultation n°09/SG/FM/UMMTO/2023

28 Mai 2023 | AO FM, Appels d'Offres

The Faculty of Medicine of the Mouloud MAMMERI University of Tizi-Ouzou is launching a tender for "the supply of electrical maintenance, plumbing, sanitary, painting and carpentry items " under the 2023 operating budget, chapter 22-18, article 01.

The specifications are structured in a single (01) lot:

Single lot: "supply of electrical maintenance, plumbing, sanitaryware, painting and joinery items".

          The present consultation will be published on the website of the Université Mouloud MAMMERI de Tizi-Ouzou. and a public posting

    All qualified bidders in the field are invited to submit bids for this consultation. The specifications can be obtained from the Service des Moyens Généraux de la Faculté de Médecine de l'Université Mouloud MAMMERI de Tizi-Ouzou.

      Tenders must be submitted to theService des Moyens Généraux of the Faculty of Medicine in a single sealed envelope marked "A N'OUVRIR QUE PAR LA COMMISSION D'OUVERENCE DES PLIS ET D'EVALUATION DES OFFRES" and the title of the consultation. The file must include the following documents:

A/ Application form :

- Declaration of candidacy duly completed, signed, dated and sealed by the bidder.

- Declaration of probity duly completed, signed, dated and sealed by the bidder.

- Copy of the trade register showing the business activity involved in the services requested.

- Bank account number and address.

- Extract from the audited roll or schedule dated less than 03 months ago

- Up-to-date certificate issued by CASNOS and CNAS.

- Criminal record less than three months old at the time of submission.

- Tax returns for the last three years certified by the tax authorities

- Documents authorizing the person(s) to bind the company.

- All documents needed to assess the capabilities of candidates and bidders.

B/ Technical offer :

- Declaration to be duly completed, dated, signed and sealed by the bidder.

- Delivery time (commitment). 

- Sample.

- Specifications duly completed, dated, signed and sealed by the bidder, quoted and initialed bearing on the last page the words "read and accept".

C/ Financial offer

- Letter of tender duly completed, dated, signed and sealed by the bidder.

- Quantities and estimates duly completed, dated, signed and sealed by the bidder.

- Unit Price Schedule duly completed, dated, signed and sealed by the bidder.

Tenderers have eight (08) days in which to prepare their bids, starting on

May 25, 2023.

            The deadline for submission of bids is 01 June 2023 at 10H00mn

Tenders will be opened in the presence of bidders who wish to attend, on the same day as the tender submission date at 10:30 a.m. on June 01, 2023 in the meeting room of the Faculty of Medicine.

The bid validity period is equal to the bid preparation period plus three (03) months.

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