Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Notice of consultation N°23 /SDMM/UMMTO/RECTORAT/2023

Dec 3, 2023 | AO SDMM, Tenders

Within the framework of the 2024 operating budget, Chapter 21-18, item 03. The University Mouloud MAMMERI of Tizi-Ouzou launches a consultation concerning: "Cleaning expenses of the pedagogical and administrative spaces of the new tower, the central library HASNAOUA II, the central library Tamda and the reading room HASNAOUA I of the University Mouloud MAMMERI Tizi-Ouzou".
 The specifications are structured in a single lot (01):
Single lot: Cleaning costs for the teaching and administrative areas of the new tower, the HASNAOUA II central library, the Tamda central library and the HASNAOUA I reading room of the Université Mouloud MAMMERI Tizi-Ouzou.

Tenderers specializing in the field and interested in this consultation are invited to obtain the specifications from the "Sous-Direction Moyens Et De La Maintenance" of the Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tiziouzou.

Tenders must include a technical offer, a financial offer and an application file.
Each offer is inserted in a closed and sealed envelope, indicating the reference and subject of the consultation as well as the words "technical", "financial" or "application", as appropriate. The three envelopes are placed in another anonymous envelope, marked: "TO BE OPENED ONLY BY THE COMMISSION FOR THE OPENING OF THE PLIS AND EVALUATION OF
OFFERS" and addressed to :

Monsieur le Recteur de l'Université Mouloud Mammeri Consultation N° 23/SDMM /UMMTO/Rectorat/2023

Cost of cleaning the teaching and administrative areas of the new tower, the HASNAOUA II central library, the Tamda central library and the HASNAOUA I reading room at the Université Mouloud MAMMERI Tizi-Ouzou.

A/ Application file:
 Declaration of candidacy duly completed, signed, dated and sealed.
 Declaration of probity duly completed, signed, dated and sealed.
 Copy of the company's articles of association.
 Copy of the original trade register.
 Copy of agreement with CET
 Copy of tax identification.
 Bank account number and address.

 A true copy of the original extract from the tax roll, either audited or with a schedule, and dated less than one month before the date of the bid.
 Attestation de mise à jour délivrée par la CASNOS et CNAS
 Extrait du casier judiciaire dating less than three months before the date of the bid.
 Attestation de dépôt légal des comptes sociaux pour les sociétés commerciales dotées de personnalité morale de droit algérien
 Any document enabling the capacities of candidates, tenderers or, where applicable, subcontractors to be assessed:
a- Professional capacity: certificate of qualification and classification, approval and quality certificate.
b- Financial capacity: financial resources supported by balance sheets for the last two years and bank references.
c- Technical capacity: human and material resources and professional references (List of personnel available to the company and their specializations, List of equipment in possession with supporting documents (purchase invoices) and A CNAS declaration attesting to the number of employees accompanied by a list approved by the CNAS showing the dates of entry and exit of employees
B/ Technical offer:
 Declaration to be signed and declaration of probity which must be duly completed, dated, signed and sealed by the bidder.
 Specifications duly filled in, dated, quoted and initialed, read and approved.
C/ Financial offer:
 Letter of tender duly filled in, dated, signed and sealed.
 Unit price schedule duly dated, signed and sealed.
 Quantities and estimates duly dated, signed and sealed.
Deadline for the preparation of bids:
- Tenderers are allowed TEN (10) days to prepare and submit their bids to the Sub-Directorate for Resources and Maintenance, starting on 03/12/2023
- The deadline for submission of bids is 12/12/2023 at 10:00 am.
- The opening of bids will take place on the same day at 10h30mn on the 6th floor of the Rectorate of
the University Mouloud MAMMERI Tizi-Ouzou.
 Bidders who wish to attend the opening of bids may do so.


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