Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Notice of defense of the Magister Agronomiques thesis of Miss ABDELKRIM Nadia

14 Jan 2019 | Avis de soutenance, Magister

Notice of defense of the Magister thesis in Agronomic Science of Miss ABDELKRIM Nadia

Melle : ABDELKRIM Nadia Will publicly submit her Magister thesis in Agronomic Sciences Entitled : "Evaluation of the inter and intrapopulation synchronization of the reproductive effort of Atlas cedar at several points in the Djurdjura ." On : Thursday 24 /01 /2019 at the Salle de soutenances of the Faculté des Sciences Sciences et des Sciences Agronomiques at 09:00 a.m.Supervisor: Mme. KROUCHI Fazia

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