Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Lecture by Dr Rachid Amokrane

Dec 5, 2021 | Scientific Events, M-S Collections

The cultural activities department of the Faculty of Economics, Business and Management Sciences at the Université Mouloud Mammeri in Tizi-Ouzou is organizing an online conference hosted by Dr. Rachid Amokrane on 22/12/2021 at 10:00 a.m.

Rachid Amokrane

Rachid Amokrane is an expert in personal development and business motivation. He is the founder and president of Smarttek Consulting, Inc. a consulting firm based in New York (USA). He has coached individuals and worked with major corporations both in Algeria and in other countries, notably the USA, Canada and a number of countries in the Middle East, Europe and Africa.

He is the author of several books on personal development and leadership, including "Grains de succès" and "Les Secrets de la réussite". In this exclusive conference, he talks about the principles of personal development and the basic foundations for improving your life.

Rachid Amokrane is an experienced and dynamic speaker recognized and acclaimed throughout the world. Author of bestsellers (Betrayal, The dark side of love, Seeds of Success, Graines de Succès, Graines du Coeur, Les Secrets de la Réussite, Graines de Leadership), he has also written several articles and produced several audio/video programs on leadership, personal development and motivation.
Mr. Amokrane is also President of Smarttek Consulting Inc. based in New York, USA, a private tutor and advisor to group presidents and other high-profile personalities.

Skills :

- Neurolinguistic Programming ( NLP )
- Personal
- Positive Mental Attitude
- Motivation
- Leadership

Website: http: //

Conference topics:

I- Personal development :

To succeed in life, several ingredients are needed, starting with a mindset that leaves no room for improvisation. This lecture presents an innovative approach to modern management techniques and suggests to readers a philosophy of patience, sociability,
exchange, altruism and self-sacrifice.

II- The secrets of success :

I'm young no matter how old I am! I am strong even if they say I am weak. I'm rich even if they say I'm penniless! I'm a Doctor of State even if they say I can barely read and write. I'm intelligent because I'm generous and helpful. I'm handsome because I'm compassionate and empathetic. I'm happy because I open my heart to anyone who wants me... rich or poor, tall or short, handsome or ugly.

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