Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Consultation n°01/SMM/SG/FESCSG/UMMTO/2024

11 Jan 2024 | AO FSECSG, Tenders

The Faculté des Sciences Economiques, Commerciales et des Sciences de Gestion of the Université Mouloud MAMMERI de Tizi-Ouzou is launching a tender for "Catering services, reception services and accommodation services", as part of its operating budget for 2024.
The specifications are divided into two lots:
- Lot one: Catering services
- Lot two: Accommodation services

All qualified bidders in the field may submit bids and are invited to obtain the specifications from the "Service des moyens et de la maintenance de la faculté des sciences économiques, commerciales et des sciences de gestion" of the Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou (Bureau n °05 au 02 ème étage)
The present consultation will be publicly posted and published on the website of the Université "Mouloud MAMMERI" de Tizi-Ouzou: and consultation letters
Tenders must include a technical offer, a financial offer and an application file. Each offer must be inserted in a closed, sealed envelope, indicating the reference and subject of the consultation as well as the words "technical", "financial" or "application", as appropriate. The three envelopes are placed in another anonymous envelope, marked:
"A N'OUVRIR QUE PAR LA COMMISSION D'OUVERTURE DES PLIS ET D'EVALUATION DES OFFRES" the title of the consultation: Consultation N° 01 /SMM/FSECSG/UMMTO/2024 Portant : " Prestation de restauration et Prestation d'hébergement " au profit de la faculté des sciences économiques, commerciales et des sciences de gestion de l'Université Mouloud MAMMERI de Tizi-Ouzou".

The documents required for the technical and financial bids and the application file are:
A/ Application file:
 Declaration of candidacy duly completed, signed, dated and sealed.
 Declaration of probity duly completed, signed, dated and sealed.

 Copy of articles of association for companies.
 Copy of electronic trade register.
 Copy of tax identification.
 Bank account number and address.
 Copy of audited or scheduled tax assessment dated less than one month prior to submission.
 Attestation de mise à jour délivrée par la CASNOS et CNAS
 Attestation de dépôt légal des comptes sociaux pour les sociétés commerciales dotées de personnalité morale de droit algérien
 Any document making it possible to evaluate the capacities of the candidates or tenderers
- Technical capacity: human resources, material resources
B/Technical offer:
 Declaration to be signed and declaration of probity which must be duly completed, dated, signed and sealed by the tenderer.
 Specifications duly filled in, dated, quoted and initialed, read and approved.
C/Financial offer:
 Letter of tender duly filled in, dated, signed and sealed.
 Unit price schedule duly dated, signed and sealed.
 Quantities and estimates duly dated, signed and sealed.

A period of eight (08) days is granted to bidders to prepare and submit their bids to the resources and maintenance department of the Faculty of Economics, Business and Management Sciences from 11/01/2024.
The deadline for submission of bids is 18/01/2024 at 10h00mn.

If this date coincides with a public holiday or a legal day of rest (Friday or Saturday), the bid preparation period will be extended to the next working day.
The bids will be opened on the same day at 10:30 a.m. at the General Secretariat of the Faculty.
Bidders may attend the bid opening session if they wish.


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