Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Entrepreneurship and supranational territorial dynamics: International inter-territoriality challenged by the development of sub-national spaces 

14 Sep 2022 | Scientific events, M-S collections


PRFU research team: Stakeholder strategies in territorial development in Algeria


a hybrid national symposium

Entrepreneurship and supranational territorial dynamics

International inter-territoriality put to the test the development of sub-national spaces

06 and 07 December 2022

Honorary Presidents
- Professor BOUDA Ahmed, Rector of the University of Tizi-Ouzou
- Dr MOKRANE Ali, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Business and Management Sciences

- Chairman of the symposium: ABRIKA Bélaid (Professor, UMMTO)
- Chairman of the organizing committee: SMADI Amina (MCA, UMMTO)

The vast field of international cooperation mobilizes both governmental and non-governmental players. The many objectives of international inter-territorial action, with its ambition to initiate a "win-win" logic, raises a multiplicity of questions, particularly in terms of socio-economic development, which is the crucible of supranational inter-territoriality.
Can the countless international development projects carried out in developing countries be the subject of reflection on a new competitive pole for the territorial attractiveness of sub-national areas?
The synergy of skills resulting from the experience of partnership projects involving government diplomacy and local authorities at international level should be approached in this context in Algeria, with a view to channelling "territorial flows into a logic of exchanges with reciprocal benefits" (F Petiteville, 1996, 140). Sustainable, structuring economic cooperation in line with the development objectives that regions and local authorities should set themselves. The aim of this symposium is to highlight, through the processes of decentralized cooperation, the scope of socio-cultural and economic dynamics as the basis for sustainable local territorial development. Among other things, it will highlight the place given to entrepreneurial activities at local or regional level, and their ability to expand internationally.

Supranational inter-territorial cooperation reflects the strategy of state relations on an international scale and its articulation with sub-national territories. In Algeria, in addition to the absence of a regional entity, initiatives undertaken by local authorities are subject to a priori and a posteriori control by the deconcentrated bodies of the state administration. Should we wait for the formation or creation of "economic regions" or for regionalization, the crystallization of the country's many economic development potentialities, before initiating a process of decentralized economic cooperation? The governance models of nations based on deconcentration and/or decentralization influence the degree of involvement of local authorities, local elected representatives and civil society players at the origin of informal cooperation. We are thinking here, for example, of the many initiatives undertaken and actions materialized or organized by the émigré community in relation to village committees and associations. Distrust and mistrust, apprehensions, clientelist practices on the part of stakeholders, governance and citizenship constitute elements of a reading grid on the projection of decentralized cooperation agreements. Have the latest legislative measures introduced in the 2012 local authority codes, the 2015 circular and the 2017 executive decree in Algeria regulating decentralized cooperation initiated new dynamics conducive to international conventional processes? Indeed, in the absence of the constitutionalization of regional entities, particularly in Algeria, do the existing modes of territorial organization - even with the introduction of intercommunality (failing to bring about profound territorial reforms), which only partially remedies the shortcomings of the administrative meshing suppressed by the debates carried by sub-national inter-territoriality - not hinder the mounting of large-scale projects enhancing territorial resources? The notion of inter-territoriality is to be understood in terms of the virtual geographical proximity of two territorial entities of the sizes and characteristics of the partner communities, and the involvement of migrant communities with knowledge of the twinned territories, often engaged in cooperation projects that bring about co-development. The theme of these days is of particular interest in that it aims to establish the current state of inter-territoriality, with a view to gaining a better understanding of the obstacles hindering large-scale decentralized cooperation projects. Colloquium participants are invited to develop their analyses, approaches and visions by addressing the general issue of supranational territorial dynamics and their contributions to partner sub-national areas. Case studies focusing on one or more areas of intervention in the fields of education, higher education, health and humanitarian aid, tourism and crafts, agriculture, youth and sport, heritage and culture, local development and the environment, urban planning and the built environment, the social and solidarity economy, etc., are expected.

Dates to remember
- September 14, 2022 launch of the call for papers
- October 14, 2022 deadline for receipt of abstracts in accordance with the paper proposal form by e-mail to the symposium mailbox:
- October 21, 2022 reply from the scientific committee.
- November 20, 2022 deadline for receipt of papers
- November 27, 2022 deadline for receipt of presentations (Power-Point).
-March 2023 process of valorization of papers presented at the colloquium by:
- Publication in: Revue d'études sur les institutions et le développement and Revue Tadamssa d-unegmu.
- Publication of a collective work.

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