Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Notice to deans: Management of research laboratories

Oct 29, 2019 | PG, Search

Notice to deans: Management of research laboratories

Research laboratory management

In accordance with Executive Decree N°19-231 DU 13 Aout 2019, setting the terms and conditions for the creation of research laboratories, their organization and operation, and following instructions from the DGRSDT, deans are asked to set up three support units for the research laboratories in their faculties, as follows:

1st unit: its mission will be to manage research laboratories, with the support of the research department, until the relevant procedures are mastered.

2nd unit: its role will be to monitor the FNR, with support from the Rectorat's FNR department, until the relevant procedure has been mastered.

3rd unit: this will be responsible for monitoring consultations and invitations to tender, with support from the relevant department in the Vice Rectorate responsible for forward planning, until the relevant procedure has been mastered.

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