Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Huawei ICT Academy: UMMTO's academy stands out from the crowd

Dec 3, 2023 | CSRICTED, Huawei ICT

The Huawei ICT Academy at the Université Mouloud Mammeri in Tizi-Ouzou took top honors at the "ICT Awards" ceremony organized by Huawei, winning its first prizes.

Just one year after its launch, the UMMTO Huawei ICT Academy is making a name for itself thanks to its talented students. 

During this grandiose ceremony organized by Huawei at the Sheraton Hotel in Algiers, attended by the Rector of the Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou, Pr. Ahmed BOUDA, and the Head of the Systems and Networks Center and ICT Academy, Mr. Ali BELAID, our two students Salem HAMMADI and Rabah MOKRANE, who brilliantly represented UMMTO, were awarded prizes following the work accomplished in their project. Ali BELAID, our two students Salem HAMMADI and Rabah MOKRANE, who brilliantly represented UMMTO, were awarded prizes following the work accomplished in their Safeed project as part of the Academy program.

During the same ceremony, the Head of the Huawei ICT Academy at UMMTO, Mr Ali BELAID, was awarded the prize for best academy administrator for the second year running.

Photo taken during the presentation of the Huawei ICT Academy Best Administrator Award to Mr. Ali BELAID, by Pr. Abdelhakim Bentellis, Secretary General of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and His Excellency the Chinese Ambassador Mr. Li Jian.



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