Registration - 2023/2024
We would like to inform all users of the University Library that registration and re-registration will begin on Sunday, October 22, 2023, and will run until March 31, 2024:
- online at the following link:
- Via the website:
- Via the Facebook page: UMMTO Bastos University Library.
I/ Students : Bachelor's / Master's / UFC
- New baccalaureate holders with RFID student cards:
After registering online with the library, students can use the various services offered by the university library simply by presenting their student card.
- Students in possession of the old student card:
After registering online at the library, the student must go to the registration department of the university library with:
The student card;
01 passport photo.
Old library card (for re-registration);
II/ Teachers, PhD students, :
After registering online with the library, lecturers and doctoral students can take advantage of the university library's various services simply by showing their professional card.