Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

A look back at the Statistics and Business Intelligence conference 

Jul 17, 2023 | Events

A look back at the lecture given today 16/07/2023 at the Faculté des Sciences, by Pr. IBAZIZEN Mohamed from the Université de Poitiers (Member of the Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Applications), on the theme:

Statistics and Business Intelligence 

 Various points were discussed (see presentation), including the following:

  • Master the steps involved in any statistical approach: data collection, quality control, organization and storage, extraction of relevant information, statistical analysis and presentation of results in the form of reports or dashboards (data visualization).
  • Setting up a decision-making information system.
  • How to intervene in the extraction of knowledge from massive data (Big Data) using more advanced computer and statistical data mining techniques (Data Mining).

During the discussions that followed the presentation of this conference, we came up with the exciting idea of launching a project to offer a professional Bachelor's degree in "Statistics and Business Intelligence", in partnership with the University of Poitier.

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