Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi-Ouzou

Short-term internships abroad: central services

Oct 5, 2022 | ATS, Training abroad

We would like to inform the ATS civil servants of the central services of the Mouloud MAMMERI University of Tizi-Ouzou, that the submission of applications for a short-term mobility and training course abroad is open from 06/10/2022 to 26/10/2022 at the Vice Rectorate in charge of external relations, cooperation, animation and communication and scientific events.

Application form :

  1. A handwritten request addressed to the Rector of the Mouloud MAMMERI University in Tizi-Ouzou.
  2. A work plan endorsed by the line manager.
  3. A certificate of employment for the current year.
  4. An agreement with a foreign establishment specifying the period during which the internship will take place
  5. An information form can be obtained from the Vice-Rectorate in charge of external relations, cooperation, animation, communication and scientific events.
  6. University degree.

Download the Notice


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